Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education <p><strong>Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Educati</strong><strong>on</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=";1528344510&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Online ISSN: 2621-5861</a>;&nbsp;<a href=";1528344821&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Print ISSN: 2621-5845</a>) is an Islamic Education Journal published by the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda, Indonesia. It is a peer-reviewed open-access journal in the field of Islamic Education.&nbsp;The journal is published twice a year (June and December). <strong>Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Educati</strong><strong>on</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>is indexed by several national and international indexers such as the Google Scholar, Science &amp; Technology Index (SINTA), MORAREF, etc. All published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.</p> en-US (Dr. Husni Idris, M.Pd.) (Wildan Saugi) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:36:48 +0800 OJS 60 Self-Intention in Mediating Self-Competence and Memorization Methods on Intensity of Memorizing the Qur'an: PLS-SEM Approach <p>Considering the various factors faced by students in the Tahfidz program, this research aimed to explore the role of self-intention as a mediator in the influence between self-competence, memorization methods, and the intensity of memorizing the Qur'an. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey research method to collect data based on purposive sampling with 45 out of 50 students in the tahfidz program at Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Ponorogo. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of a Likert scale with four alternative answers. PLS-SEM analysis was used to analyze the data and test the conceptual model. The results of the analysis showed that self-competence and self-intention had no significant effect on the intensity of memorizing the Qur'an. However, this finding has practical implications, as it highlights the importance of self-intention in increasing the intensity of memorizing the Qur'an through self-competence and memorization methods. This underscores the need for setting clear goals and increasing motivation to instill an attitude of never giving up and trying to achieve memorization targets. Consistency and discipline are the primary keys to increasing the intensity of memorizing the Qur'an. In addition to self-competence and memorization methods, other factors can affect the intensity of memorizing the Qur'an, such as motivation, social support, and learning environment.</p> Lia Alfi Kamila, Afif Syaiful Mahmudin, Rihab Wit Daryono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Nurturing Islamic Values in Early Childhood in Thailand's Muslim Minority <p>Islam is the major religion in southern Thailand. However, it remains a minority religion compared to the overall Thai population. The Muslim community in Thailand places great importance on Islamic religious education. They teach about Islam to children from an early age to nurture and foster Islamic values. Besides, it's helping them to understand Islam as part of their identity in the country's diversity. This study aimed to describe the teaching of Islamic values in early childhood within Thailand's Muslim minority. The research method used descriptive qualitative. Data Collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research was conducted in a non-formal education, the Miracle Language Center in Mueng, Narathiwat, Thailand, held in August-September 2023. The subjects were ustadz and ustadzah (Islamic teachers) and early childhood students attending the center. The data analysis technique used data condensation, data presentation, and verification and conclusion drawing. The results showed that children were taught through various academic and religious activities. Academically, Arabic vocabulary was introduced through pictures and songs. Religiously, the focus was on faith, worship, and moral values. The faith was taught through the pillars of faith, Islam, and exemplary stories. Worship was taught through memorizing short surahs, daily prayers, and practicing prayer and ablution. Moral values were taught through lessons on civility and manners. This study serves as a reference for teaching Islamic values to young children in Muslim minority communities.</p> Muzakki Muzakki, Husnul Khatimah, Saudah Saudah, Aghnaita Aghnaita, Salmee Mahama ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 18 Jun 2024 05:59:58 +0800 Analysis of Learning Motivation of Gifted and Talented Children: an Islamic Perspective <p>Learning motivation is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors; gifted children quickly get bored with activities that do not match their abilities and need higher challenges to stay motivated. This study used the systematic literature review (SLR) method. Data collection used literature studies. The number of analyzed documents was 25 from highly reputable journals (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Sinta 2) obtained through Scopus, Springer, Eric, Sciendirect, Doaj, Taylor, and Google Scholar. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's interactive qualitative analysis with the help of NVIVO software 12. The study results showed that the intrinsic learning motivation of gifted and talented children was more dominant than the extrinsic one. It includes liking challenges, high curiosity, creativity and innovation, and liking exploration. Strong learning motivation in gifted and talented children aligns substantially with Islamic values. The encouragement to continue learning, exploring knowledge, innovating, and exploring one's potential is an integral part of the implementation of Allah's command to seek knowledge and utilize the intellect that He has given. This not only contributes to the achievement of academic and professional success but also deepens their faith and piety in God Almighty. This research could contribute to understanding learning motivation from the Islamic perspective and increase the learning motivation of gifted and talented children based on Islamic teachings.</p> Shef Viana, Syafrimen Syafril, Rorlinda Yusof ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:30:18 +0800 The Relationship between Teacher Training and the Use of Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement <p>This research aimed to determine the relationship between teacher training and the use of learning media on student learning achievement at MAN Tulungagung, Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach with a correlational design. The research population was 243 teachers, and the sample was taken using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 5%, resulting in a sample of 151 respondents. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a rating scale using a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques used linear regression analysis and multiple regression using SPSS software. The research results showed a positive and significant relationship between teacher training and student learning achievement (β = 0.37, p &lt; 0.05). Likewise, there is a positive and significant relationship between the use of learning media and student learning achievement (β = 0.45, p &lt; 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that these two factors simultaneously have a significant influence on student learning achievement (β_Teacher Training = 0.35, p &lt; 0.05; β_Learning Media = 0.42, p &lt; 0.05). The research results highlight the importance of improving teacher training quality and using innovative and effective learning media to improve student learning quality. The synergy of these two factors can create a more holistic and in-depth learning experience for students. Therefore, an integrated strategy of teacher training and learning media-based curriculum development can improve student achievement.</p> Muh Ibnu Sholeh, Himad Ali, Pham Vu Phi Ho, Sokip Sokip, Asrop Syafii, Sahri Sahri, Bambang Wahrudin, Hawwin Muzakki ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 25 Jun 2024 07:51:40 +0800 Differences and Interactions between Learning Outcomes, Learning Model, and Gender in Islamic Religious Education <p>This study aimed to understand the view on differences and interactions between three essential aspects in Islamic religious education. They are students’ learning outcomes, the learning model, and student gender according to school origin. This study was conducted at SMPN 2 Parongpong, Al Amin Unggulan Junior High School, and Roudlotul ‘Ulum Junior High School. The total sample of this study was 123 students. Three learning models used were Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), and Conventional. This research used a quantitative approach and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests for data analysis. This research instrument used a summative test, which has been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis requirements consisted of a normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk assisted by SPSS version 26 software. The research results show that there is a difference in students’ learning outcomes on the learning model according to the student’s school origin. Then, there is no difference in learning outcomes between male and female students according to school origin, and there is no significant interaction between the learning model for male and female students in determining the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education according to students’ origin school. Differences in learning outcomes occurred in the application of CTL learning models with Conventional and PBL with Conventional, while learning models of PBL and CTL do not differ significantly. This study highlights the importance of applying active learning models to achieve optimal learning outcomes.</p> Murharyana Murharyana, Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi, Komarudin Komarudin, Irfan Suryana, Firda Noerzanah, Siti Rahmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Sentiment Analysis of NU Online Applications Using Artificial Neural Network <p>The NU Online app on the Playstore serves the needs of Muslims, especially those in Islamic boarding schools, by providing information and services. Its success is gauged not just by the number of downloads or popularity but by the quality of user interactions and how well it meets user needs. Sentiment analysis of user reviews provides deeper insights into these aspects. This research focused on finding words influencing sentiment from NU online and producing the best performance of artificial neural networks. This study collected user reviews from the NU Online app between February 9, 2021, and May 31, 2024, totalling 12613 reviews. After preprocessing, 8546 reviews remained. Using the Indonesian Sentiment Lexicon (INSET), 66% of the reviews showed positive sentiment, 21% were neutral, and 13% were negative. The words "aplikasi" (application) and "nya" (its) appeared in the top three across all sentiment classes, while "fitur" (feature) was common in both positive and negative sentiments. For neutral sentiments, "nan" was frequently mentioned. The data were split into training and testing sets in an 80:20 ratio, preserving the proportions of each sentiment class. Sentiment analysis was performed using a neural network, with input neurons ranging from the top 10 words from each sentiment class to all words. Accuracy improved as more words were used, peaking at 0.95 for the top 1690 words, compared to 0.71 for the top 10 words. The findings highlight the importance of using a comprehensive set of words to train the ANN. Including more words significantly enhances the model's performance, indicating that a richer vocabulary captures sentiment nuances better.</p> Dwi Ayu Lusia, Gangga Anuraga, Fathur Rahman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Analytical Study on Integration of Islamic Science in Indonesia Based on Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology <p>The concept of knowledge or truth can vary among various scientific traditions. Integrating various epistemological approaches, such as Islamic and modern scientific epistemologies, becomes complex. There are differences in understanding the integration of Islamic science and traditions among Islamic scholars and other scientists. Understanding these differences and trying to integrate multiple perspectives becomes a challenge. &nbsp;This research aimed to analyze the integration of Islamic science in Indonesia based on ontology, epistemology, and axiology points of view. This research was conducted using library research. The objects in this research were searched using various library information such as books, scientific journals, magazines, newspapers and documents. The research results show that an analytical study on the integration of Islamic science in Indonesia based on ontology, epistemology and axiology at the Indonesian Islamic University can cover several essential aspects. Islamic Scientific Ontology includes an understanding of the nature of science in the Islamic context. This includes questions about the sources of knowledge in Islam, whether the Islamic scientific ontology at the Islamic University of Indonesia recognizes the Qur’an and hadith as the primary sources or whether there are additions from other philosophical or scientific traditions. Islamic Scientific Epistemology focuses on the methodology and approaches used in building and developing Islamic scientific knowledge. Islamic Scientific Axiology investigates the values ​​or principles underlying the use of Islamic scientific knowledge and their ethical implications. This involves considering how Islamic scientific knowledge is used and applied in the Indonesian social and cultural context and its impact on society.</p> Faizal Lubis, Salminawati Salminawati, Usiono Usiono, Muhammad Rusdi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Building a Madrasah Positive Image: How are The Strategies? <p>This research aimed to investigate the strategy of madrasah in cultivating a positive image of the institution. This research used a subjective or qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The research was conducted in MTSN Samarinda by collecting, presenting, and confirming data. The researcher used data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were the vice principal of MTSN Samarinda and the students. The researcher also observed the school's social media platforms and documents, such as the school admission brochure. As for the data analysis technique, the researcher used the theories of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana to analyze data. The data credibility and validity were also tested using triangulation. The research results show that (1) MTs Negeri Samarinda builds the image of the institution by identifying the needs of the community, especially prospective students, by creating a quality Madrasah institution in various programs as well as prioritizing Islamic values, (2) MTs Negeri Samarinda also maximizes student activity programs both in terms of academic and non-academic aspects which include various extracurricular activities, clean Friday programs implemented from the adiwiyata program and <em>tahfidzul Qur'an</em> class programs, (3) The school also maximizes all programs by publishing them on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and websites. This study highlights the importance of madrasah’s strategies in cultivating a positive image of an institution.</p> Muchammad Eka Mahmud, Joel Mayo Torres, Fadlilah Fadlilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800