• Abdul Majid Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda



This study is intended to explore the consistency of muhadditsin such as Imam Nawawi, Ibn Hajar Asqalani and Mubarakfuri using asbab wurud in teaching hadiths. As it is known that the science of sabab wurud hadith has an important position in interpreting hadith so that it avoids misunderstanding. The formulation of the research problem is whether the three scholars presented the history of the sabab wurud hadith in their syarah books. Second, do they consider the sabab wurud hadith in the hadith syarah. Third, what are the implications of the considerations of sabab wurud in the explanation of the hadith that they have syarahi. This research used comparative analysis method, the researcher found that Mrs. Hajar al-Asqalani, Imam an-Nawawi and al-Mubarakfuri tended to be inconsistent with the reasons for wurud hadith. This inconsistency can be seen in the descriptions of hadiths which actually have a history of sabab wurud hadith, but sometimes they are not stated, so it seems as if the hadith does not have sabab wurud. In the hadiths in which the history of sabab wurud is presented, two different attitudes are also found. In certain discussions, sabab wurud is sometimes considered in understanding the hadith being discussed, so that it has implications for contextual meanings, but in other contexts, sometimes sabab wurud is not considered at all. So that the meaning of the hadith tends to be on linguistic analysis, takwil, tarjih and texts, that is, by canceling the law of one hadith and confirming the law of another hadith. Theoretically, when sabab wurud is considered in understanding a hadith, it will certainly have implications for the emergence of a contextual understanding that is different from the dzahir of the hadith. Likewise, what the authors found in the three syarah books above, that understanding sabab wurud and historicity creates a comprehensive and proportional understanding. Even the hadiths which seem contradictory can be reconciled (talfiq) it does not have to be recited or transcribed.


Keywords: Asbabul Wurud, Imam Nawawi, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Mubarakfuri


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