Saat-Saat Penting: Pengalaman Berharga dalam Proker KKN Memandikan dan Mengafani Jenazah

  • Muhammad Raihan Chaidar UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda


Death is an inevitable event in the lives of all creatures, including humans. Regardless of when and
how death occurs, the responsibility for handling a deceased individual becomes crucial for those
who are still alive. Religion, especially Islam, provides comprehensive guidelines on how to deal with
the deceased. However, in everyday life, many Muslims are not well-versed in the proper procedures
for conducting funerals in accordance with their religious teachings.
This article outlines the importance of understanding the procedures for managing funerals,
considering aspects such as religious and cultural significance, paying final respects, complying with
legal and administrative requirements, ensuring hygiene and health considerations, providing
psychological support, preparing in advance, and maintaining efficiency and organization. Funeral
management can be categorized as a collective duty known as "Fardhu Kifayah," where the
responsibility lies collectively with the community, and if performed by some individuals, it absolves
others from the obligation. Therefore, this article aims to provide a systematic and comprehensive
practical guide on funeral management, with a focus on the understanding of the residents of
Tanjung Batu village regarding the procedures for washing and shrouding the deceased. Despite the
village having designated personnel for funeral management, the role of the family remains
paramount. The article also notes that while some village residents have a basic understanding of the
correct procedures, many forget the sequence, highlighting the need for a proposed program to
provide the necessary training in funeral management.

How to Cite
Chaidar, M. (2024). Saat-Saat Penting: Pengalaman Berharga dalam Proker KKN Memandikan dan Mengafani Jenazah. TAFANI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(1), 43-50. Retrieved from