Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) <p><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-size: small;">Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies <strong>(<a href=";1536141351&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-ISSN: 2622-951X | </a><a href=";1534838422&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>e</em>-ISSN: 2622-7185</a><a href=";1536141351&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">)</a>&nbsp;</strong>is an Islamic Studies Journal published by Center for Research and Community Services of UINSI Samarinda, Indonesia. It is a peer-</span> <span style="font-size: small;">reviewed journal of Islamic Studies, including: Islamic Education, Islamic Law, Dakwah, and Islamic Economics. The journal is published twice a year; May and November.&nbsp;Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies is indexed by several national and international indexers such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Science &amp; Technology Index (SINTA), MORAREF, etc. Fenomena Jurnal Penelitian is a Member of; all published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.&nbsp;&nbsp;The journal is a Member of; all published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.</span></span></p> UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda en-US Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) 2622-951X Prevention of Child Marriage by the KUA of Kraksaan District through Partnership: A Perspective of Lawrence Meir Friedman's Legal System Theory <p>This study aims to discuss the prevention of child marriage by the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) of Kraksaan District through partnerships in the review of Lawrence Meir Friedman's legal system theory. This is due to the high number of child marriage applications recorded at the KUA of Kraksaan District from 2022 to 2023. Then, the effectiveness of preventing child marriage will be measured through Lawrence Meir Friedman's legal system theory. Qualitative methods are used in this research. Qualitative methods are research methods based on philosophy and are useful for studying scientific conditions (experiments). In this partnership strategy, the KUA works with several partners, including Village Officials, Village Heads, Non-Civil Servant Employees/Counselors, Community Health Centers (PUSKESMAS), Kraksaan District Government, NU, Muhammadiyah and al-Irsyad. As a result, 50 applications were prevented, and five were postponed out of 55 applications in 2022. In 2023, 13 applications were successfully rejected, and nine were accepted out of 22 applications in 2023. In the review of Lawrence Meir Friedman's legal system theory, the substance of the law is Law No.16 of 2019. This law is not effective because Article 7 still provides an opportunity for people to marry children. Meanwhile, the legal structure comprises the structural officials of the KUA. The KUA, assisted by its partners, is said to be effective in preventing child marriage, as seen from the data on the success rate of preventing child marriage mentioned above. The legal culture is the people of Kraksaan Subdistrict who still strongly hold the tradition of arranged marriage, maintain the good name of the family, parents want to escape their responsibilities, and the belief that many families will provide a lot of sustenance.</p> Ahmad Hirzan Anwari Zaenul Mahmudi Moh Toriquddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-27 2024-11-27 1 22 10.21093/bijis.v6i2.9181 Legal Convergence: Bridging Classical Fiqh School with Contemporary Legal Theory <p>In the era of rapid globalization and modernization, Islamic law faces the challenge of remaining relevant and responsive to current developments. The classical school of jurisprudence, which has been the basis of Islamic law for centuries, must now face complex contemporary issues. Contemporary legal theory offers a new approach that has the potential to integrate Islamic law with modern dynamics. This research explores the convergence between classical schools of jurisprudence and contemporary legal theory, highlighting the urgent need to unite these two legal traditions. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this research analyzes the main characteristics, challenges and opportunities in the legal integration process. This study also explores the flexibility of classical schools of jurisprudence in adopting modern legal concepts. It is hoped that the research results will provide a conceptual and practical framework for legal convergence, which can be applied in Islamic law reform in various contexts. This convergence is important in dealing with contemporary legal issues such as bioethics, cyber law, global financial regulation, and environmental challenges, paving the way for productive dialogue between Islamic legal traditions and modern legal systems.</p> <p><br>Keywords: legal convergence, classical schools of jurisprudence, contemporary legal theory, Islamic legal reform, legal flexibility, legal integration, ijtihad, maslahah, bioethics, cyber law.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Di era globalisasi dan modernisasi yang cepat, hukum Islam menghadapi tantangan untuk tetap relevan dan responsif terhadap perkembangan zaman. Mazhab fikih klasik, yang menjadi dasar hukum Islam selama berabad-abad, kini harus menghadapi isu-isu kontemporer yang kompleks. Teori hukum kontemporer menawarkan pendekatan baru yang berpotensi mengintegrasikan hukum Islam dengan dinamika modern. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konvergensi antara mazhab fikih klasik dan teori hukum kontemporer, menyoroti kebutuhan mendesak untuk menyatukan kedua tradisi hukum ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner, penelitian ini menganalisis karakteristik utama, tantangan, dan peluang dalam proses integrasi hukum. Studi ini juga mengeksplorasi fleksibilitas mazhab fikih klasik dalam mengadopsi konsep-konsep hukum modern. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan kerangka konseptual dan praktis untuk konvergensi legal, yang dapat diterapkan dalam reformasi hukum Islam di berbagai konteks. Konvergensi ini menjadi penting dalam menghadapi isu-isu hukum kontemporer seperti bioetika, hukum siber, regulasi keuangan global, dan tantangan lingkungan, membuka jalan bagi dialog produktif antara tradisi hukum Islam dan sistem hukum modern.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: konvergensi legal, mazhab fikih klasik, teori hukum kontemporer, reformasi hukum Islam, fleksibilitas hukum, integrasi hukum, ijtihad, maslahah, bioetika, hukum siber.</p> Nur Faidah Feni Juwantri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 23 38 10.21093/bijis.v6i2.9218 The The Students' Speaking Attitudes toward International Islamic Conferences: A Qualitative Exploration of Confidence and Expression <p>This study investigates students' experiences and challenges when presenting at international Islamic conferences, focusing on their confidence and self-expression. Using a qualitative case study design, two participants were selected through purposive sampling, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that while students expressed enthusiasm for participating in these events, they faced several challenges, including time constraints, language barriers, and adapting to the expectations of diverse audiences. Confidence levels varied; some students felt reasonably confident, while others demonstrated higher self-assurance due to thorough preparation. The findings emphasize the importance of preparation, language proficiency, and cultural sensitivity when presenting at international academic forums, especially in Islamic forums. The study also highlights the need for academic institutions to provide better support to help students develop these critical skills. Future research could explore a broader range of participants and contexts and the long-term development of public speaking confidence in such settings. &nbsp;</p> Herman Resyadi Ferawaty Syam Irmayani Irmayani Deny Sundari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 39 54 10.21093/bijis.v6i2.9184 System-Based Education Quality Management: Challenges and Opportunities <p>The system-based educational quality management approach enables the optimal enhancement of educational quality through the integration and synergy of various educational elements. This study explores the strategic planning, organization, implementation, and monitoring of the system-based quality management approach in primary schools. The research addresses key challenges such as resistance to change and limited resources, providing solutions like stakeholder involvement, the use of information technology, and structured change management. Core elements of this approach include curriculum design, innovative teaching methods, competent human resources, and adequate educational facilities. The approach promises significant benefits, including operational efficiency, improved student learning outcomes, and enhanced institutional reputation and competitiveness. By understanding and overcoming challenges while leveraging opportunities, educational institutions can achieve sustainable quality improvements and create supportive learning environments that facilitate high student achievement.</p> Muhammad Subni Fitrianti Fitrianti Azainil Azainil ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 55 70 10.21093/bijis.v6i2.8970 Religiosity in Indonesian Language Textbooks for Elementary School <p>This study aims to describe the existence of religiosity values in Indonesian language textbooks for elementary school (Sekolah Dasar/SD). The type of this study is qualitative with content analysis. The source of study is Bahasa Indonesia textbooks for elementary schools in the online version in Kurikulum Merdeka with four samples, namely “Bahasa Indonesia: Aku Bisa!” for SD Class I, “Bahasa Indonesia: Keluargaku Unik” for SD Class II, “Bahasa Indonesia: Lihat Sekitar for SD Class IV, and “Bahasa Indonesia: Bergerak Bersama” for SD Class V. The data are in the form of words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that contain interpersonal meaning and character value content. The researcher serves as a human instrument, employing techniques for data collection such as active listening and note-taking as follow-up methods. The study's findings are presented as follows: religiosity values were realized through gratitude for The Supreme One's grace and good morals or behavior.</p> Istifatun Zaka Kiki Maharani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 71 86 10.21093/bijis.v6i2.8578