Dinamika Ilmu 2024-12-31T12:04:47+08:00 Umar Fauzan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>DINAMIKA ILMU</strong>&nbsp;(P-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1180430404&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1411-3031</a>; E-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1427279994&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2442-9651</a>) is a Multiculturally Responsive Education Journal published by Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda (Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda).&nbsp; It is an online academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and focuses on the issues dealing with education, and is adapted to diverse cultures in education from anywhere in the world. The journal is published twice a year; June and December</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>DINAMIKA ILMU</strong> with ISSN&nbsp;1411-3031 (<em>printed</em>) and ISSN <a href=";1427279994&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2442-9651</a> (<em>online</em><em>)</em> is <strong>accredited </strong>by the Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education with the Decree Number&nbsp;<strong>B/1796/E5.2/KI.02.00/2020</strong> which is valid for five years since enacted on <strong>Volume 20 Number 2, 2020 to Volume 25 Number 1, 2025</strong>.</p> Promoting Islamic Education in Brunei Society Following the Implementation of the Shariah Law in 2013 2024-11-22T15:00:12+08:00 Siti Nurzanah Haji Dullah Shaikh Abdul Mabud <p>The Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013 (SPCO 2013) has formally become the law of Brunei Darussalam, with its first phase of implementation commencing on 1st May 2014. This paper aims to explore the impact of SPCO 2013 on Islamic Education in Brunei. Therefore, this study discusses the Brunei education system prior to and since the implementation of the SPCO 2013 and aims to provide a critical analysis of the action taken by the Brunei government to bring about changes in both its secular and religious schools. Mixed methods research is used to make more rigorous inferences about the research problems. Interviews have been conducted with the respective government officers for data collection. The data were collected and then analyzed using the thematic analysis technique, followed by descriptive quantitative analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the SPCO 2013 has had a significant impact on the Brunei Education Curriculum in both of its Public Schools and Religious Schools. Therefore, the findings conclude that curriculum revision was crucial to ensure that it was in line with Islamic teachings and did not contain any elements that contradicted Shariah law, and this also helps to promote awareness and avoid misconception of the SPCO 2013 among non-Muslim students who are an integral part of the Brunei society.</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Ideas of David Hume (1711-1776) in the Development of Psychology and Multicultural Education 2024-11-22T15:02:22+08:00 Abdul Rokhmat Sairah <p>Education needs a psychological approach to its process and mechanism. Contemporary psychology is rooted in philosophical thought and physiological inquiry. Psychology cannot be separated from the influence of three schools in philosophy, i.e., materialism, empiricism, and positivism. One of the empiricist thinkers who gave nuances and color in the development of psychology was David Hume (1711-1776). This article aims to reveal David Hume's thoughts, which provided motives in the development of psychology. This article is the result of research to develop a historical and philosophical theory of psychology. This research aims to investigate the background of the emergence of psychology from David Hume's thoughts. The focus of this research is to survey the influence of David Hume's empiricism on the development of psychology. The research method employed in this study is philosophical hermeneutics with synchronic and diachronic interpretations of David Hume's thoughts. As a qualitative study, the relevant data of the study was collected from various sources both primary and secondary. The primary literature used is texts on the history of psychology and David Hume’s works. The secondary sources for this research are various comments on Hume's thoughts and general psychology texts. The results of this research can be used as a reference in learning related to the history and philosophy of psychology. This article presents Hume's thoughts in the search for human nature along with the methodological principles he developed, which inspired scientists after Hume, as well as the influence of his thoughts on the progress of experimental psychology, which continues to develop, in giving a pattern to contemporary psychology</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Implementation of Multicultural Islamic Religious Education in the Families of Primary School-age Children in Putrajawa, Selaawi Garut 2024-11-24T18:41:35+08:00 Mukhsin Mukhsin Muslihudin Muslihudin Ade Zaenul Mutaqin Muhammad Nasir <p>The community of Putrajawa, Selaawi Garut, is known for its cultural and religious diversity. Parents face the challenge of ensuring that Islamic religious education within the family instills not only religious understanding but also an appreciation for diversity. Exclusive religious teachings can foster intolerance, making it crucial to embed values of tolerance and inclusivity, especially in primary school-aged children. Parents play a strategic role in teaching these values through multicultural-based Islamic religious education. This study explores the implementation of multicultural Islamic religious education for primary school-aged children in Putrajawa, Selaawi Garut, focusing on the goals, materials, and methods of multicultural education in the family context. The research used a descriptive-qualitative approach, with data collected through interviews, observations, documentation, and triangulation. The results show that parents aim to raise children who are religious, respect diversity, and are tolerant. Educational materials include teaching monotheism, worship, noble morals, cultural diversity, and universal values like justice and respect. Methods include setting good examples, fostering good social relations, promoting independence, and guiding children with gentleness.</p> 2024-12-01T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## From the Camps to the Campus: Refugees’ Experiences in Higher Education through Their Narratives 2024-12-20T18:55:48+08:00 Zoe Karanikola Foteini Daratzi <p>This study explores eight refugee students’ experiences in higher education, more specifically, in a private American College in Greece. The qualitative methodology was followed by using narratives based on the students’ personal stories and in-depth semi-structured interviews. Using a thematic analysis, main themes are identified and discussed in the findings, such as stability and citizenship, financial and language barriers, racism, biases and discrimination, and sense of belonging or exclusion. Thus, this study focuses not only on the difficult route towards a better life and the struggles of their individual unique stories to give another perspective and challenge existing stereotypes that apply to refugees, focusing more on their remarkable resilience to learn and evolve and setting them as an example of strength.</p> 2024-12-20T18:55:48+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Engaging Learners in Intercultural Learning through Digital Literature Circles in Tertiary EFL Classroom 2024-12-20T18:59:32+08:00 David Imamyartha Mutiara Bilqis Areta Puspa Rizki Febri Andika Hudori Eka Wahjuningsih <p>With the advent of technology, cultural diversities have encouraged language teachers in tertiary education to push the current pedagogical boundaries to seek the best fits for cultural learning, despite the little emphasis on interculturality in day-to-day language learning. Entrenched to Byram’s&nbsp; intercultural learning, this case study explored Indonesian tertiary EFL learners’ perspectives of their intercultural learning through digital literature circles (henceforth DLC) within the context of tertiary education. Forty-five freshmen were involved in reflective culturally-laden DLC, during three months of an Extensive Reading course. Research data were garnered from focus group discussion (FGD) and students’ reading logs in their DLC role sheets. Drawing on qualitative content analysis, this study has acknowledged that DLC evokes consciousness-raising, comparative interpretation, and criticality associated with intercultural communicative competence (ICC). Students voice the critical cultural awareness stemming from such transactional reading, manifest in richer propositions and ideas, deeper understanding of foreign and home cultures, and critical evaluation and reflection on cultures. The study corroborates the technological and socio-constructivist affordances of DLC to empower intercultural learning.</p> 2024-12-20T18:59:32+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Designing Effective Online Learning Environments for Teacher Professional Development: Evidence from Indonesian In-Service Teachers 2024-12-20T20:24:59+08:00 Tri Wintolo Apoko Ika Yatri <p>The teacher profession education program (TPEP) within virtuality is an alternative learning program that is believed to be important for Indonesian in-service teachers nowadays and in the future as learning through digital technology is the competitiveness of the nation that needs to be continuously improved. This study aims to investigate Indonesian in-service teachers’ needs in the TPEP through online learning environments and to discover an effective design of online learning environment for TPEP in the future. The design used in this study was a mixed method with sequential explanatory design. For quantitative data, a questionnaire was distributed to the Indonesian in-service teachers attending the online TPEP over four months at a reputable private university in Indonesia, and 916 teachers completed the questionnaire. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interview with selected Indonesia in-service teachers. The results indicate that online learning provides in-service teachers’ needs, and effective design is recommended for better professional development for in-service teachers in Indonesia. In addition, the qualitative feedbacks from participants regarding online learning environments identify several challenges. These findings suggest that the proposed design of online TPEP can be significantly implemented to meet the evolving needs of educators in an increasingly digital world.</p> 2024-12-20T20:24:59+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Intercultural Learning: Teachers' Perspectives on the Influence of Intercultural Education on Students' Competence 2024-12-21T12:39:48+08:00 Bjar Adili Makfirete Ameti Arbresha Zenki-Dalipi Arita Agai <p>Intercultural education is an important dimension for both teachers and students in their personal and professional development. This research explored the primary school teachers’ views on how intercultural education shapes students' intercultural competence. A 12-item scale from Bedeković’s (2011) Survey Questionnaire (SQ) was administered to 217 primary school teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia. Statistical analyses using T-tests and ANOVA revealed significant differences in teachers' perceptions based on school structure, gender, teaching experience, prior intercultural education and education level. Based on these findings, intercultural education should be further integrated into curricula to enhance students' intercultural competence and better equip teachers for diverse classrooms.</p> 2024-12-21T12:39:47+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of CPA-Based Multimedia Articulate Storyline Batik Motif on Elementary Students’ Mathematical Representation 2024-12-31T12:04:47+08:00 Hafiziani Eka Putri Nopi Krisnawati Fitri Nuraeni Afridha Laily Alindra Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa Hun Ravy <p>Mathematical representation is a fundamental ability to develop students' thinking skills. But in reality, this ability is still low. The investigation aims to ascertain the impact of CPA-based articulated storyline multimedia on the Mathematical Representation Abilities (MRA) of elementary school students. The research uses CPA-based articulate storyline multimedia in learning activities. A type of experimental research with pre-experimental designs, one group pretest-posttest. 44 pupils from one of Karawang Regency's elementary schools in West Java made up the sample. Data were obtained through MRA tests in the form of descriptions, students' daily journals, interviews, and photo documentation of research activities. The MRA test questions used were valid and reliable. Based on Guilford's criteria, the results of the test validity and reliability calculation are in the high category (Retrieved from zero point eighty-four). Descriptive data analysis was conducted by finding the simple linear regression equation and the coefficient of determination. Inferential data analysis was performed with a t-test. Descriptive results showed that using CPA-based multimedia articulated storyline affected the Mathematical Representation ability (MRA) of elementary school students. Based on hypothesis testing, it is known that CPA-based articulate storyline multimedia significantly affects the mathematical representation skills of elementary school pupils. The implication from research is that multimedia articulate storylines based on CPA represent alternatives for enhancing elementary school pupils' mathematical representation ability in learning two-dimensional mathematics.</p> 2024-12-31T12:04:47+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##