analisis optimalisasi analisis optimalisasi pengelolaan dana desa untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat di kecamatan aek bilah kabupaten tapanuli selatan

  • Mirnawanti Rtg UIN-SU


ThisKtypeLofLresearchKis quantitativeKresearch.LThis study uses a quantitativeKapproach in theKformLof financialLratio dataKbasedLon timeLseries.LTheLdata usedKisKannual data.KTheLdataKanalysisLtechniqueKusedMbyLthe researcherLis regressionKanalysis.IThe population inKthis studyKwas the entireKcommunityKof SouthKTapanuliKRegency.LWhile theMsampleKof this researchKis 15 villagesKfrom Aek BilahKDistrict, SouthKTapanuli Regency. TheKsampling techniqueKIof this research isLsaturated sampling.KData collection techniquesLin this studyKused interviewKand documentationKtechniques.  The resultsLof the study showKthat partiallyKthere isKa significantKpositive influenceKbetween Government Implementation,JdevelopmentKImplementation,KCommunityKDevelopment,Community Empowerment onLCommunityKWelfare.KIn contrast toLthe mitigationLthat hasLa negative effect on theKwelfareLof the community,Kit meansKthat there isKno significantKeffectKof the mitigation Kon the welfare of theKcommunity. SimultaneouslyK(together)KGovernment Implementation,KDevelopmentKImplementation,LCommunity Development, Community Empowerment, Management have an effect on Community Welfare in Aek Bilah District, South TapanuliKRegency in 2019-2021Kseen from theLlarge F count of 1421,371 > FLtable 2.45 then H 0    rejectedKand Halaccepted. Soiit can be concluded that simultaneously Government Implementation,KLDevelopment Implementation, Community Development, Community Empowerment, Management have an effect on Community Welfare.L;’;;’


Keywords :LOptimization,JVillageLFund,ICommunityJWelfare. KL

How to Cite
Rtg, M. (2021). analisis optimalisasi analisis optimalisasi pengelolaan dana desa untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat di kecamatan aek bilah kabupaten tapanuli selatan. El Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies, 4(1), 69-80.