Tasawuf is symbolized as a magnet that is not perceptible
itself but has a remarkable strength power that the potential can be used for anything in the modern life that is always material. Tasawuf can be developed to the constructive direction that is related not only to personal life but also social because tasawuf is one of the aspect of
Islamic teaching that must be preached and developed in the community so that the diversity of moslem’s society life being balanced between the world and hereafter. Proselytizing plays an important part in tasawuf development including; first, introducing tasawuf as a branch of Islamic science that must be known by Moslems so that this science
does not become a rare thing for Islamic society. Second, arousing the society to actively learn, understand, grasp and practice the teaching of tasawuf in the society life reality. Third, giving an understanding to the society about the materials that is contained in tasawuf so that they are familiar toward the terms that are used to be applied in this teaching. Fourth, giving motivation to the society to make tasawuf as a part of
their daily life.
Keywords: Proselytizing, Tasawuf