• Ida Suryani Wijaya Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah IAIN Samarinda


Communication plan explain how communicator spread his/her message widely and appropriately through the right channel at the right time. Strategy of communication can be defined as a framework built to change people behavior in wide scale through disseminating new ideas. To achieve targeted result of development process, right planning and strategy are necessary. Right strategy starts from choosing right communicator, deciding targeted audience, analyzing audience needs, crafting the message, choosing appropriate media and communication channels, and estimating the impact of the whole process. Throughout the process of communication, it is normal that a number of barriers stand. Therefore, planning a communication strategy is aimed at overcoming those barriers in order to optimize effectiveness of communication. From the perspective of function and utility of communication, planning plays a vital role in the implementation of programs.

Planning of communication in a simple framework relates to the question of how to create an effective communication. In a wider sense, communication planning is necessary for constructing appropriate strategy by which national development programs can work.


Keywords: Planning, strategy of communication, development


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