Agama, Negara dan Public Reason: Kasus Penutupan Lokalisasi Km 17 Karang Joang Balikpapan Dalam Sudut Pandang Public Reason
Using a case of the closing of localisation (mainly for prostitution activities) in Km. 17 Balikpapan, this paper describes and maps out debates on religious and secular logics in a democratic society. This paper applies sociology of politics approach as a perspective to analyze the phenomenon. Furthermore, this paper is guided by the theory of public reasoning echoed by John Rawls and Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im. Results show that in dealing with social phenomena people mainly use religious reasoning. Pioneered by a number of Islamic organizations hitting down the street, soon these turn into protest movement in a convergent manner. These typical religious acts are quite far from promoting win-win solutions. Hence, it is difficult to make a range of appropriate, clear, and systematic public policies concerning the phenomena.
Keywords: religious and secular reasoning, theory of public reasoning, and protest movement.
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