METODE DAKWAH DALAM AL-QUR’AN (Studi Penafsiran Hamka terhadap QS. An-Nahl: 125)

  • AM Ismatullah Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah IAIN Samarinda


Dakwah is callings or persuasions to spiritual consciousness or an effort of transforming life into better or perfect condition, whether within personal or societal level. In Islamic teachings, performing dakwah as an act of reminding other people to God and as a call to guide people to truth and forbearance is compulsory for every Muslim. To achieve expected target of dakwah, every individual muslim must know and be expert in applying methods of dakwah.

Q.S. an-Nahl: 125, according to Hamka, encapsulate the teachings of the Prophet PBUH regarding the implementation of dakwah or calling to humankind  so they can walk on the path of Allah. The teachings consist of three methods. First is what so called hikmah. In terms of dakwah, it can be understood as wisdoms, high-level spiritual intelligence, accepting heart, and genuine interest that can lead people to religion or belief of God. The method of hikmah is acceptable for ordinary people. It is also undeniable for smarter individuals.

The second method of performing dakwah is mauízhah hasanah. It is equivalent to good instructions or messages aimed as advice. Education through parents-children interactions within households’ settings can be included in this category. The third method is what so called jadilhum billati hiya ahsan (eng: argue with them in the gentlest way). According to Hamka, in having a discussion or debate, one must draw a strict line to separate personal anger or compassion and the matter of debate to guarantee objectivity. It may lead to a situation where the party one debates with may accept the truth.

Keywords: Dakwah, Methods of Dakwah, and Interpr etation


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