• Miftahur Ridho Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah IAIN Samarinda


Child abuse refers to a range of maltreatments towards children. Identifying risk factors of this typical abuse is a difficult task since the definition of the term abuse is dynamic and socially constructed. Hence, what perceived as abusive in one culture is often considered as normal in other cultures. Discussions on the issue of child abuse lead to a growing demand for a cross cultural understanding of the respected term, and it seems to be in accordance with the spirit of Islam as religion and as a way of life. Thus, this paper aims at exploring Islamic teachings concerning child abuse and child protection. Findings reveal that Islamic teachings, as depicted in the Qur’an and the Hadith, have a set of directions about ideal childrearing. Islam also promotes the protection of children by providing a comprehensive guidance for the parents about the rights of their children.

Keywords: Child abuse, child protection, Islamic teachings.


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