• Muslimah Susilayati Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta


Universities need realistic experiment, continuously develop themselves to meet the challenges and demands of society and industry. Scientific cues about the universe, written on around 750-1000 verses of Qur’an (ayat kauniyah) and about 250 verses are about law. It has the potential to be the basis of the experimentation and development.  The Qur’an is the holy book of Muslims. Allah gives that for all people in the world as guidelines and instructions in living their life. Furthermore, that scientific cues are universal and global. Considering these, study to get more scientific interpretation according to the field of science and study of the researchers is needed.  Research and development based on scientific cues with books as the product can be used as one of the alternatives. 

This study aims to give an overview of the steps taken in conducting research and development based on scientific cues that resulted in book as the end-product. This study is a library research. Data are obtained from written materials through literary studies. Data analysis was performed using a philosophical approach. The analytical method used was descriptive and critical thinking inductive analysis techniques. 

The results showed that the scientific cues can be used as a base of the research development.  The product is a book which contains various interpretations of research resulted as scientific treasures of the Qur’anic universality. Thus, the human knowledge of the universe secrets from which we can take the benefits becomes more comprehensive. Finally, the most important thing of this research is to study the signs of Allah in order to increase our faith (as Abdullah) and as an effort to develop Islamic science from dissemination of this result (as Khalifatullah).
Keywords: Scientific cues, research and development, book, abdullah, and khalifatullah.


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