• Sai Handari IAIN Samarinda
  • Rosidah Rosidah BKI IAIN Samarinda
  • Eva Eva IAIN Samarinda


Counselling aims at facilitating individuals in developing themselves optimally according to their stages of development and their environment. The implementation of certain techniques distinguishes counselling from merely giving wise advices. Skill of empathy is one of many techniques commonly found in counselling process. This technique is believed to be effective in increasing the positive impacts of counselling upon the recipients of counselling service. Empathy can be combined with other relevant skills including influencing skill, a particular technique consisting self-disclosure, directives, and interpretation. Through combination of those techniques, recipients of counselling service are expected to be open and honest in telling their problems and become more involved in the counselling process. Therefore, the process of counselling can be more effective.


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