LENTERA 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Di Ajeng Laily Hidayati, M.Si Open Journal Systems Jurnal Lentera: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sosial Keagamaan ini terbit terakhir pada Volume 18 Nomor 2 Edisi Desember 2016. Setelah itu jurnal Lentera mempersempit ruang kajiannya dengan mengganti tagline menjadi <strong>Lentera : Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi </strong>pada laman <a href="/index.php/lentera"></a> KRISIS EKOLOGI: PROBLEMATIKA SAINS MODERN 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Amirullah Amirullah <p><em>Nowadays, ecological crisis is a well discussed global challenge for mankind in the twenty fist century. Governments and people around the globe share the same grief feelings about this kind of crisis. The crisis affects the whole system of ecology on earth, including things related to mankind, such as air quality, foods, water, and a number of issues related to our health condition.</em></p><p><em>Environmental crisis which is famous for its scientific and philosophical name, namely crisis of ecology, is a reflection of spiritual crisis experienced by modern society in which mankind had excluded God from nature. Misunderstanding and failure of mankind in comprehending the essential meaning of nature and reality has turned the relationship between mankind and nature into hostility. Mankind, indeed, reduced the true meaning of nature. Nature is understood as something with no intrinsic and spiritual values except what mankind has labeled. Nature is merely understood as object through which mankind may channel its greed, as an object by which mankind may quench its lust of exploitation. As a result, nature is treated like prostitutes to whom sinners share no sense of responsibility and obligation.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Ecological Crisis, Modern Science</p><p><em><br /></em></p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE ISLAM AND THE GREEN PARADIGM (A PROPOSED SOLUTION FROM ISLAMIC ECO-THEOLOGY FOR THE EAST KALIMANTAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS) 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Yuyun Sri Wahyuni <p><em>For years East Kalimantan has been one area that suffers from large deforestations. This condition worsens the ongoing global warming on earth. Based on critical documentary analysis, this article explains the conditions of East Kalimantan forest under different global and national political conditions. This article proposes social awareness raising among different stakeholders on environment using religious (Islamic) scholarly perspectives as one of many solutions to overcome further forest and environmental destruction.</em></p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Islamic Perspective, deforestation, East Kalimantan, and Global Warming ##submission.copyrightStatement## STRATEGI DAKWAH MASA KINI (Beberapa Langkah Strategis Pemecahan Problematika Dakwah) 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Muhammad Abzar D <p>Islam is a religion that perceives every Muslim (person who adhere Islam) a da’i (proselityzer) for both himself/herself and other people. Hence, every Muslim, by definition, is activist of dakwah (Islamic proselityzing). Thus, it is necessary that every Muslim understands the issue of dakwah comprehensively. Since challenges on the path of dakwah are getting more and more complex, activists of dakwah need to understand strategic steps to consider before doing dakwah. They are: Enhancing the educational quality of the Da’i(s), sending da’i(s) to trainings of dakwah in order to enrich their knowledge, utilizing technology of information as media of dakwah, and intesifying dakwah based of cultural and structural approaches.</p><p> </p>Keywords: Problem of Dakwah, Strategic Planning, Human Resource Development ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERENCANAAN DAN STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DALAM KEGIATAN PEMBANGUNAN 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Ida Suryani Wijaya <p>Communication plan explain how communicator spread his/her message widely and appropriately through the right channel at the right time. Strategy of communication can be defined as a framework built to change people behavior in wide scale through disseminating new ideas. To achieve targeted result of development process, right planning and strategy are necessary. Right strategy starts from choosing right communicator, deciding targeted audience, analyzing audience needs, crafting the message, choosing appropriate media and communication channels, and estimating the impact of the whole process. Throughout the process of communication, it is normal that a number of barriers stand. Therefore, planning a communication strategy is aimed at overcoming those barriers in order to optimize effectiveness of communication. From the perspective of function and utility of communication, planning plays a vital role in the implementation of programs.</p><p>Planning of communication in a simple framework relates to the question of how to create an effective communication. In a wider sense, communication planning is necessary for constructing appropriate strategy by which national development programs can work.</p><p> </p>Keywords: Planning, strategy of communication, development ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMEROLEHAN BAHASA PERTAMA ANAK MENURUT TINJAUAN PSIKOLINGUISTIK 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Suci Rani Fatmawati <p>Language Acquisition of children is a long procces started from zero ability to complete fluency in a language. Mastering a language for a child is begun by acquiring his/her first language usually known as mother language. Language acquisition is a natural procces performed by a child as he/she learns the language of his/her mother. Psycholinguistic is an interdisciplinary study that aims at explaining psychological prccesses that happens when a child recites sentences that he/she has heard and how that language skill is acquired when a child communicates with people around him/her.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: Language acquisition, children, psycholinguistic.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## OPTIMALISASI METODE BERMAIN PERAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ALAT PERMAINAN EDUKATIF DALAM MENGASAH PERCAYA DIRI ANAK USIA DINI 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Nisa Khoerunnisa <p>Early childhood education is educational institution which aims at developing childrens’ potentials. These potentials are foundation of children to explore their later stages of development. One of many skills children must have is confidency. Confidency is one aspect of personality traits that plays significant part in human life. However, due to teachers’ efforts to develope confidency within childrens’ mind, teachers often find many barriers in their way. One of such barriers is the emerging nonconfidence within children. Inferiority, shy, fear, and undersocialization are some of the suspected factors believed to trigger nonconfidence in children. Method of role play using educative toys is one of many methods used by teachers to develop confidency of children in their early childhood. Method of role play can be played by several children. Each child plays different role and tries to dramatize behaviours perceived as fit to the given role in everyday social interactions.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: Confidency, method of role play, educative toys.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN POLA ASUH ORANG TUA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KECERDASAN EMOSI ANAK 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Listiya Fitriani <p>Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, feel, manage, and motivate ownself and others; as well as applying such ability in his/her own personal and social life. The fostering (parenting) pattern driven by teachers, adults, parents and the surrounding environments, plays significant role in stimulating the build-in potent intelligences within the children, one that eventually define their future character, personality and behavior. A good-and-sound fostering pattern from within the family surely uphold a strong fondation in developing emotions, behaviors, traits, moral and social values, as well as character buildings. A suggested ideal form for fostering (parenting) pattern is an authoritative model, whereas patterns given not only in the form of commands (demanding) but also immediate responses (responsiveness) to the children.</p><p> </p><p>Keyword: Parents, fostering-pattern, emotional intelligence.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## Agama, Negara dan Public Reason: Kasus Penutupan Lokalisasi Km 17 Karang Joang Balikpapan Dalam Sudut Pandang Public Reason 2017-08-24T05:02:57+08:00 Muzayyin Ahyar <p>Using a case of the closing of localisation (mainly for prostitution activities) in Km. 17 Balikpapan, this paper describes and maps out debates on religious and secular logics in a democratic society. This paper applies sociology of politics approach as a perspective to analyze the phenomenon. Furthermore, this paper is guided by the theory of public reasoning echoed by John Rawls and Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im. Results show that in dealing with social phenomena people mainly use religious reasoning. Pioneered by a number of Islamic organizations hitting down the street, soon these turn into protest movement in a convergent manner. These typical religious acts are quite far from promoting win-win solutions. Hence, it is difficult to make a range of appropriate, clear, and systematic public policies concerning the phenomena.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: religious and secular reasoning, theory of public reasoning, and protest movement.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement##