Mazahib <p><strong>MAZAHIB JURNAL PEMIKIRAN HUKUM ISLAM&nbsp;</strong><strong>(p-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1180427296&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>1829-9067</strong></a>, e-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1438656925&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2460-6588</strong></a>)</strong></p> <p>Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam is an international journal published by the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda State Islamic University (UINSI Samarinda). This scholarly periodical specializes in the study of Islamic law and seeks to present the various results of the latest research, both conceptual-doctrinal and empirical, in the field.&nbsp;</p> <p>The<strong>&nbsp;</strong>journal is published twice a year in June and December. Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam is indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Science &amp; Technology Index (SINTA), and MORAREF Mazahib Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam is a Member of; all published articles in this journal will have a unique DOI number.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Editorial Team) (Admin MAZAHIB) Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Islam and the State: The Evolution of Sharia Banking Regulation in Indonesia <p>The interplay of social, economic, and political dynamics influences the legal development of Sharia banking regulations. This study aims to analyze the evolution of Sharia banking regulations in Indonesia from their inception to the most recent developments. Using a juridical-legal approach, the research identifies five key phases in the development of Sharia banking regulations in Indonesia: initial, introduction, recognition, purification, and relaxation phases. Such regulatory changes have resulted from the negotiations among various stakeholders to reconcile the ideals of Sharia finance with the pragmatic needs of the banking industry, as well as the interest in strengthening the national financial system. Such legal development of Sharia banking regulations in Indonesia reflects the adaptability of Islamic law, enabling Sharia finance to evolve in response to societal changes and contextual dynamics while remaining grounded in the ethical principles of the Islamic moral economy.</p> Nur Hidayah, Haryatih Haryatih, Rihadatul Aisy Kamilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Performing Curative Medical Experiments on Incurable Patients: Between Islamic Jurisprudence and the Laws of the Middle East <p>This study aims to elucidate the Islamic jurisprudential and legal ruling on conducting curative medical experiments on incurable patients. The study found it appropriate to divide those experiments into two parts. Firstly, medical experiments on incurable patients to secure a cure for the illness from which they suffer. Secondly, Medical experiments on incurable individuals produce a cure for an illness from which they do not suffer. The present study adopted the descriptive method grounded in describing the issue and then comparing and analyzing the jurisprudential opinions leading to the chosen opinion. The Study concluded that Emirati and Jordanian Laws and Islamic jurisprudence find it permissible to conduct medical treatment experiments underpinned by a set of parameters and restrictions.</p> Hamza Abed AlKarim Hammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Decision-Making in Family Planning: Women, Planned Children and Contraceptive Methods in Muslim Family <p>Family planning programmes are not optimal for Muslim women; this is inseparable from the view that contraception is controversial in Islamic teachings. This study aims to examine the influence of the ideal number of children, the role of husbands, the desired last child, and the type of contraception in Muslim women of childbearing age from the perspective of Islam and health. This study used data from the 2017 IDHS in Aceh, West Sumatra, Riau, West Java, Central Java, and East Java on 5797 Muslim women from January to December 2022. The results of this study showed a significant association between the ideal number of boys (p&lt;0.001; PR = 1.332), number of daughters (p&lt;0.001; PR = 1.289), husbands who decide (p=0.004), and contraceptive types (p&lt;0.001; PR = 1.205) with family planning use. The family planning use is influenced by factors such as gender preference, joint decision-making, and the type of contraceptive used. Modern contraceptives are more effective and reliable, suggesting a trend toward modern methods for family planning.</p> Nurhayati Nurhayati, Fitri Hayati, Putra Apriadi Siregar, Reni Ria Armayani Hasibuan, Jufri Naldo, Ismail Lutfi Japakiya, Hazrul Affendi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 25 Dec 2024 10:31:47 +0800 Towards Personal Data Protection in Structural Leadership Training: An Analysis of Maqāshid al-Sharī'ah Perspective <p>This article discusses the <em>Maqāshid al-Sharī'ah</em> approach to protecting personal data in the context of structural leadership training. <em>Maqāshid al-Sharī'ah</em>, as a framework of Islamic legal principles, provides a strong foundation for understanding and implementing personal data protection in leadership training. This article elucidates how the training institution can incorporate measures to safeguard participants’ personal data in leadership structural training in accordance. This study employs a normative legal approach, scrutinizing the personal data protection act and structural leadership training maintenance guidelines through qualitative prescriptive research methods. It collects data from observations and relevant reference documents and employs deductive data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that implementing these principles requires strict policies, sophisticated security technology, staff training, and awareness about the importance of personal data. By considering the alignment between data protection and <em>Maqāshid al-Sharī'ah</em>, this research aims to contribute to a more robust data governance framework within leadership development programs. To implement this protection, the contribution of an officer who can serve as a data protection officer for participants in structural leadership training is required.</p> Miftahul Heldra Sandiza, Sinta Dewi Rosadi, Rahmat Suparman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 23 Dec 2024 10:13:48 +0800 Protection of Women's Rights After Divorce in Religious Courts: What Makes this Mission Difficult to Achieve? <p style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The normative assurance of protection for women's and children's rights post-divorce has been extensively regulated through laws, including the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), the Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA), and the Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA). However, not all these regulations have been effectively implemented post-divorce in Indonesian Religious Courts. Hence, this article is written to understand how the implementation of post-divorce women's rights protection occurs in the Religious Courts, especially when the husbands are absent from the divorce trials (<em>verstek</em> judgments). This normative-doctrinal legal research utilizes the statutory and case law analysis of selected decisions from Samarinda and Sangatta Religious Courts. The findings indicate that the protection of post-divorce women's rights is not adequately realized, as not all the rights of former wives in the Religious Courts are adequately accommodated, especially the alimony (<em>nafkah iddah</em>). This is attributed to cases being decided in absentia of the husband, indications of the wife's disobedience (<em><span style="font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif;">nushuz</span></em>), low awareness of the wife regarding her rights, and the gender sensitivity of the judges not being maximum.</span></p> Lilik Andar Yuni, Akhmad Haries ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:12:22 +0800 Gender Equality in Imamate Shia and Sunni Inheritance Jurisprudence: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Doctrines and Familial Relationships <p>The issue of inheritance has always been a focal point in society, particularly when addressing the bilateral principle, which ensures property distribution to male and female heirs in Islamic law. The difference in inheritance rights between men and women remains a subject of debate in both Sunni and Shia applications. Shia inheritance law emphasizes equity by granting women recognized inheritance rights alongside men at all levels, while Sunni law follows specific Quranic guidelines that often result in unequal shares. Shia jurisprudence accords women the same status and rights as men in terms of their recognition as legitimate heirs within the family hierarchy. This research examines the mechanisms of inheritance distribution in Shia jurisprudence through a gendered lens, focusing on its implications for women's rights and their position in Islamic inheritance frameworks. This normative legal research adopts a gendered approach to Islamic inheritance law. The secondary data related to Sunni and Shia inheritance rules were traced manually and online from OJS websites. The data were&nbsp;analyzed using content analysis and then narrated through&nbsp;data reduction, display, and verification techniques. The research found that the Shia concept of inheritance distribution involves two categories of heirs: <em>dzawil furudh</em> (heirs with fixed shares) and <em>qarabah</em> (relative heirs). Heirs not included as <em>d</em><em>zawil</em><em> furudh</em> (heirs with fixed shares) as specified in the Qur'an and Hadith are classified as <em>qarabah</em>, which includes both male and female relatives based on proximity to the deceased. In determining their rights, Shia addresses the issue of gender while still applying the provisions of the texts regarding the share of men and women. Men and women at the levels of descendants (<em>furu'</em>), parents (<em>ushul</em>), siblings, and parents' siblings (<em>hawasyi</em>) have recognized inheritance rights, with shares determined based on Quranic guidelines. Second, Shia inheritance law consistently applies the bilateral principle, ensuring that women are granted inheritance rights alongside men in accordance with the Quranic 2:1 distribution ratio. This highlights that from a gender perspective, Shia jurisprudence demonstrates a more inclusive approach toward women's inheritance rights, emphasizing equity and recognition within its legal framework.</p> Elfia Elfia, Surwati Surwati, Fitra Nelli, Yan Fajri ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 17 Dec 2024 12:59:30 +0800 Unification of Law in the Marriage and Divorce Processes of the Dayak Ngaju Muslim Communities in Central Kalimantan <p>This research is a reflection of thoughts on the practice of marriage, and It examines the practices of marriage and divorce in the Dayak Ngaju tradition in Central Kalimantan. In practice, researchers found unification to be carried out autonomously in the legal system. This unification reflects a communal belief that integrates the customary law system, the positive law system, and Islamic law, particularly for Muslim communities. This study uses a non-doctrinal, empirical approach. The origin of the idea of ​​unification of the legal system was motivated by a reflection of legal thought, which found the existence of a unification of three legal systems that work respectively and have a compatibility between the legal culture of living law, formal law, and maṣlahah. The essence of the thought of unification of the legal system is evidence of new insights or a new paradigm of factual elaboration and elaboration of norms in Dayak Ngaju customary marriage and divorce. However, the implementation of Dayak Ngaju’s traditional marriage and divorce, in practice, has become a living law in the society. It means that the modern legal-positivist paradigm is unable to replace the naturalist paradigm, but both are believed by the community to be able to bring the parties towards the philosophical goal of law, namely peace (<em>maṣlahah</em>).</p> Jefry Tarantang, Ramdani Wahyu Sururie, Idzam Fautanu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 17 Dec 2024 12:43:20 +0800 Navigating Early Marriages: A Methodological Breakthrough in Family Resilience Measurement <p>This article explores early marriage in Madura. Early marriage causes psychological problems and physical and material losses that are not in line with the purpose of family formation in Islam. Using a mixed method approach, this article utilizes questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation obtained using Structural Equation Modeling with the Partial Least Square approach equipped with qualitative analysis. The achievement of family formation goals is measured using <em>Maqāsid Al-Usrah</em> indicators by Jamal Al-Din 'Atiyah Muhammad. The measurement results indicate that early marriage families in the Madura Muslim community achieve family formation goals to ensure human life continuity, regulate male-female relationships, maintain lineage clarity, and preserve religiosity within the family. At a methodological level, this research contributes to various models for measuring family resilience in establishing and building a family. Based on reliability and validity tests, all indicators of <em>maqāsid al-usrah’</em>s Jamal Al-Din ‘Atiyah Muhammad are declared valid and reliable so that they can be used to measure the achievement of family formation goals in other subjects in further research studies.</p> Galuh Widitya Qomaro, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh, Muh. Fathoni Hasyim, Iffatin Nur ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 10 Dec 2024 11:29:03 +0800 The Struggle for Land in Morocco: A Case Study of Amazigh <p>This paper addresses the issue of the conflict over land between the state and tribes in the Great Souss plain in Morocco. The focus of this study is on the Amazigh tribes. It explores the motives that contributed to the emergence of tribal protests, particularly their demands for land rights, following the civil reforms promised by the Arab Spring in 2011. Through a direct examination of the growing dissatisfaction among these communities, the study reveals that the political failure to democratize society, characterized by consistent confusion at the level of governmental and institutional frameworks and the law's failure to regulate spatial justice on the ground, have both played a role. This situation has prompted tribes, feeling a sense of historical oppression, to claim their rights to the land that the state has increasingly opened up for investment without considering the traditional rights of these indigenous groups.</p> Mohamed Cheikh Banane, Souad Ezzerouali, Ahmed Mohamed Elzein ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 09 Dec 2024 11:07:17 +0800 Strategy for Sustainable Halal Tourism Development in Perlang Village, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia <p>In developing halal tourism, enhancing competitiveness must also address other important issues, such as environmental sustainability. After Covid-19, environmental issues increased along with the growth of halal tourism. Consequently, it is essential to implement effective strategies for developing halal tourism. Perlang is one of the villages that has succeeded in turning former mining land into a tourist attraction, and is recognized as one of the 50 best tourist attractions in Indonesia. This research aims to see how specific strategies have been used in developing a tourist village with the concept of sustainable halal tourism. It also looks at how the strategy model is effectively utilized to realize a tourist village concept that carries halal and sustainable values. It employs a qualitative method with a case study of Perlang Village by exploring documentation, observation, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions. The results showed that the Sustainable and Responsible Halal Tourism development model in Perlang fulfills the indicators that make it attractive, authentic, and consistent with halal principles, aligned with achieving sustainable development goals. The benefits of this tourist destination can be felt by the wider community inclusively and future generations.</p> Maftukhatusolikhah Maftukhatusolikhah, Disfa Lidian Handayani, Nardi Pratomo, M. Iqbal, Erdah Litriani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 09 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Muslim-Malay Women in Political Leadership: Navigating Challenges and Shaping the Future <p>Women's participation in politics, particularly in leadership roles, remains a contentious topic within Muslim communities. This situation is due primarily to the prevalent interpretation that men are inherently more qualified for national leadership positions, as influenced by the patriarchal structure of society and persistent stereotypes that undermine women's capabilities. These cultural and societal barriers hinder women's ascension to the highest echelons of political power, especially in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. This study seeks to analyze Islamic jurisprudence originating from the Quran and hadith interpretation of women's status to address the common misconception that Islam inherently supports misogyny. It then contextually puts the analysis of Malay women's obstacles in achieving political leadership in Malaysia and Indonesia. This socio-legal research is aimed at understanding the complexities of gender-based challenges in political settings caused by prevailing non-moderate interpretation of Sharia sources combined with patriarchal culture in the Malay world. It reveals that historically, in Malay, women have been entrusted with national leadership responsibilities. Similarly, from an Islamic perspective, there appears to be a misinterpretation of hadith regarding the prohibition of appointing women as national leaders. Thus, this traditional culture that permits women to hold leadership positions must be re-polished because women can utilize their liberties, including leadership, previously denied by non-moderate views.</p> Mohd Anuar Ramli, Syed Mohd  Jeffri Syed Jaafar, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Annuar Ramadhon Kasa, Hudzaifah Achmad Qotadah, Adang Darmawan Achmad, Siswanto Siswanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of the Shafie School on Fatwa Methodologies in Malaysia: Toward the Unity of Ummah’s Objective <p><em>Maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em>, which refers to the aim or goal intended by Islamic law to benefit humankind, is closely related to the issuance of fatwas. This condition raises the question of whether <em>maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em> is fully considered in the fatwa issuance process in Malaysia. The methodology used in issuing fatwas in Malaysia is unique as the Shafie school is the primary reference, and the methodology aims to create a systematic fatwa management system in preserving unity. However, the approach does not generally embrace <em>maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em>, such as freedom, and favors an easier option <em>(al-taysīr) </em>to examine diverse views outside the Shafie school. This condition raises questions about the capability of the sectarian methodology practiced in the current issuance of fatwas and whether the fatwa methodology tied to the Shafie school can manifest <em>maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em> in every law. This paper aims to examine the achievement of <em>maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em> in the fatwa methodology that contains the strong tradition and influence of the Shafie school. Through inductive, deductive, and comparative document research, this study revealed three main findings. First, <em>maqā</em><em>ṣ</em><em>id al-shariah</em> in the fatwa methodology in Malaysia is applied through shariah arguments parallel with the <em>u</em><em>ṣ</em><em>ul al-fiqh</em> framework. Second, the Malaysian fatwa methodology that references the final view of the Shafie school is intended to achieve uniformity and unity among the Muslim-majority community in Malaysia, which coincides with maqṣad <em>wihdatul ummah</em>. Third, when maṣlahah is not achieved in certain circumstances, views of schools other than the Shafie school can be consulted.</p> Muhammad Safwan Harun, Abdul Karim Ali, Aminun Nabil Ahmad Syahir ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Distribution of Pusako Randah Property in Minangkabau Society: Between Cultural Tradition and Islamic Law Provision <p>This article discusses the distribution of pusako randah property by the Minangkabau people. <em>Pusako randah</em> property is distributed when parents, as the property owner, are still alive and distributed only to daughters (daughter-based distribution). Whereas, according to the consensus of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan attended by <em>ulama, ninik mamak</em>, and intellectuals-scholar in 1952, the distribution of <em>pusako randah</em> property should be executed using <em>farāid</em> mechanism. Some data are obtained from in-depth interviews with six custom figures. The finding of this research reveals that the distribution of <em>pusako randah</em> property is not only executed after the death of parents but also divided before the parents’ death. Besides, <em>pusako randah</em> property is intended only for daughters, while sons do not have a right to inheritance property. Distribution agreement of assets while parents are still alive in Islam is categorized as a gift (<em>hibah</em>) to anticipate (<em>sadd al-dzari'ah</em>) potential property disputes after parents die. In the inheritance traditions of other Minangkabau people, the distribution agreement of assets when the parents are still alive while the transfer after the parents die could be categorized as a will distribution (<em>wa</em><em>ṣ</em><em>iah</em>). However, the distribution still exceeds one-third of the total assets. The allocation of inheritance only to daughters is a tradition that deviates from the Tungku Tigo Sajarangan consensus, even though the aim is to realize a universal benefit.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Keywords: </strong>Inheritance distribution, <em>pusako randah</em> property, Minangkabau</p> Nofialdi Nofialdi, Siska Rianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 25 Jun 2024 07:49:39 +0800 The Reality of Violence Against Wives: Dynamics of Social Settlement and Support in Lamongan, East Java <p>As a hidden crime, violence against wives is considered a disgrace to be discussed in public, especially reported to state and non-state actors. At first, victims feel able to resolve violence without outside intervention from outside their household, but repetition after repetition of violence requires them to choose what kind of resolution is right for them. This choice should be made after they have the support of individuals in their social environment. This study aims to explore the knowledge and experience of victims of violence against wives in choosing one among legal norms favorable to them. This study uses a critical realist approach by collecting qualitative data with dialogue techniques and observations of three women who were victims and six people who provided support to victims. We conclude that victims experience a dynamic psychological state, where initially, they always try to maintain the integrity of their household. The dominance of men and the subordination of women as a reality of cultural norms are essential factors in choosing ways of resolving conflicts at the community level, and we consider that the community has succeeded in providing social support to victims so that victims feel they get help and defense. However, we hope that this social support can be carried out through structured, systematic, and massive protection of victims of violence from State and non-state actors while considering the cultural norms of the community and supporting the identification of violence.</p> Fahruddin Ali Sabri, Linda Farihatur Rohmah, Muhammad Ghufron; Mukhammad Nur Hadi; Suqiyah Musafa'ah, Nurul Asiya Nadhifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:54:03 +0800 Legal Reform of Zakat Management Based on Personal Data Protection Law in Indonesia <p>This article proposes the idea of accommodating the concept of personal data protection in zakat management law in Indonesia. It is because the Zakat Management Organization and online platforms that facilitate zakat payments online still need legal certainty regarding collecting, using, and reporting personal data about zakat payers (<em>muzakki</em>). There needs to be more clarity on the types of muzakki's personal data that can be collected and reported by Zakat Management Organization and online platforms to the government, which creates the potential for a muzakki's personal data breach. This article uses normative legal research methods with statutory and conceptual approaches. In conclusion, a mutually agreed-upon personal data protection agreement is required between Zakat Management Organization, the online platform, and <em>muzakki</em>. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the zakat management law to be adaptive to personal data protection by amending Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning the Management of Zakat.</p> Indra Rahmatullah, Pujiyono Suwadi, Hari Purwadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:33:30 +0800 Contextualising Fajr Sadiq: Response to Dawn Research Findings with the Sky Quality Meter (SQM) <p>The article needs to address the problem of dawn time too early in Indonesia. To prove this, the researcher used the Sky Quality Meter (SQM) in four locations with different sky brightness levels: Labuan Bajo, Belitung, Sidoarjo, and Bogor. In addition, the article also seeks to explain the views of the government and Islamic organization using SQM. This research uses normative, astronomical, and sociological approaches.&nbsp; The results showed that the value of the sun's tilt during the Dawn <em>Sadiq</em> period was -19.30º to -13.58º. The appearance of dawn can be detected earlier in locations with high sky brightness and low light pollution, such as in Labuan Bajo (-19.30º), while in other places with opposite conditions, the appearance of Dawn <em>Sadiq</em> is slower, such as in Bogor (-13.58º). If the SQM observation in Labuan Bajo is used as a reference, it will not significantly impact the current dawn schedule (dip = -20⁰). The use of SQM for dawn observation is acceptable to the Ministry of Religion and Islamic organizations. However, considering the mixed results of dawn research with SQM, the response of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Nahdlatul Ulama, and the Islamic Association still uses dip = -20º, while Muhammadiyah shifts to dip = -18⁰.&nbsp; To minimize differences, it is necessary to conduct joint research on an ongoing basis to produce stable data on the setting of the sun at dawn.</p> Maskufa Maskufa, Adi Damanhuri, Sopa Sopa, Ahmad Chairul Hadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 19 Jun 2024 10:53:34 +0800