Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Memayet Baju Adat Dayak di Desa Kutai Lama

  • Meyliya Ayu Puspita UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
  • Wiwik Dwi Kurniawati UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
  • Nor Azizah UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda


The making of traditional Dayak clothing sequined handicrafts has become an important source of
income for UMKM women in Kutai Lama Village. This study aims to analyze the potential of
traditional Dayak clothing embroidering handicrafts as a source of opinion in Kutai Lama Village,
as well as to evaluate the factors that influence the sustainability and development of this industry.
The research methods used are observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation. The
sample of this research is UMKM mothers in Kutai Lama Village. The data obtained was
analyzed using a qualitative approach. The results of this study showed that the Dayak traditional
clothing sequined handicrafts had great potential as a source of income for UMKM women. earn
significant additional income, which helps improve their economic well-being. However, the
sustainability and development of this industry is influenced by factors such as raw materials,
artisan skills.

How to Cite
Puspita, M., Kurniawati, W., & Azizah, N. (2024). Pembuatan Kerajinan Tangan Memayet Baju Adat Dayak di Desa Kutai Lama. TAFANI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(1), 15-24. Retrieved from