• Moh. Toriqul Chaer Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta
Keywords: Pluralitas, Cara Beragama, Problema Sosial-Keagamaan


Indonesia is a pluralistic nation (plural). Multiculturalism beckons the existence of plurality and difference. Understanding and management of pluralism and multiculturalism will generate a positive force for the development of the nation. Conversely, if it is not understood and managed properly, diversity and multiculturalism could be a destructive factor and  a disaster trigger. Conflict and social violence that often occurs between groups of people are part of plurality and multiculturalism are not managed properly. Religious conflict as happened in Maumere (1995), Surabaya, Situbondo and Tasikmalaya (1996), Rengasdengklok (1997), Jakarta, Solo and Kupang (1998), Poso, Ambon (1999-2002), are not bit fatalities, but also has destroyed hundreds of places of worship (both churches and mosques) burned and destroyed. Similarly, notes of ethnics violence, such as certain ethnic violence in West Kalimantan (1933), Central Kalimantan (2000), it is needed a preventive measures as early prevention, so that such events do not recur in the future. To achieve this goal, inclusive-instrinsic understanding of religion.. Borrowing a term of Malinowski’s thinking wishfull; their beliefs are considered nil even though the truth of religion, but religion is still positive that was able to help the frustration and still has the potential to realize the social unity.


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How to Cite
Chaer, M. (2016). MENJAGA KEUTUHAN BANGSA. FENOMENA, 8(1), 91-100.