Gadai pada Era Kontemporer: Perspektif Hadis dan Kearifan Lokal
This research examines the practice of pawning in accordance with religious values and local wisdom which is the philosophy or way of life of the people so that they can identify pawning practices that are unfair and detrimental. This study aims to determine the practice of land pawning based on the perspective of hadith and local wisdom of the community. This study uses qualitative methods, data collection is done by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Data collection in this study is divided into two ways. First, literature research by looking for sources from the Koran and hadith related to pawning. Second, conducting interviews with the community regarding pawning practices based on local wisdom principles. The results of this study indicate that the hadith narrated by Muslim Number 3008 after takhrij hadith, sanad criticism, matan criticism, and syarah hadith are declared as valid hadith and can be used as evidence and provide information that pawning transactions are allowed in Islam. In addition, the results of this study also provide information that the people of Kading Village make use of Bugis local wisdom values, namely Getteng, Lempu, Ada Tongeng in pawn transactions, so that even though there is no written evidence between the two parties they still trust one another.
Keywords: Pawn Practice, Hadith Perspective, Local Wisdom
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