The Integrated Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education in Junior High School
The integrated learning model in Islamic Religious Education at the junior high school level seeks to improve students' understanding of religious values and engagement in learning. This study examines the application of the integrated learning model in Islamic Religious Education at the junior high school level, focusing on its impact on students' understanding of religious values and engagement in the learning process. This study was conducted at Al Azhar 1 Junior High School in Bandar Lampung. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed to explore the implementation of the integrated learning model. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observations, and document analysis. The participants included teachers, students, the school principal, and the vice principal. Analysis followed Miles and Huberman's interactive model, with data validity ensured through triangulation, offering an objective view of the model's effect on student engagement and understanding. Results showed that the integrated learning model effectively connects religious values with students' real-life contexts, enhancing their understanding and participation. Students became more active in discussions and felt motivated to apply religious values in their daily lives, mainly through themes like honesty, discipline, and cooperation presented in relatable scenarios. The study implies that the integrated learning model in Islamic Religious Education increases student engagement and supports positive character development. These findings provide valuable insights for designing a more engaging and impactful curriculum that aligns with the goals of Islamic Religious Education.
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