Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa
Abstract: The research that was conducted was oriented towards improving Islamic education learning outcomes through the application of the Discovery Learning learning model, while the aim was to find out how much the learning outcomes of class V students at SDN 003 Malinau Utara increased after the learning model was implemented. The method implemented in the research process is Classroom Action Research or PTK. and In discovery learning learning activities carried out on students with research subjects totaling 11 people. the results obtained were that in cycle 2, students who scored between 95 and 100 were 36.4% and scores between 85 – 94 were 63.6%. All students exceeded the KKM score with a cumulative average of 95.6, so the Discovery Learning model of learning can improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in learning PAI in the material Understanding the meaning of respect and obedience to parents and material The beauty of sharing with each other at SDN 003 Malinau North. In general it can be said that Discovery Learning has been successful. Judging from the activities that have been carried out at each stage of activity in Cycle 2, both teachers and students have succeeded in implementing this learning model very well.
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