Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Biologi Berbasis Contextual Teaching Learning untuk Mengefektifkan Pembelajaran bagi Siswa SMA
R and D, teaching materials, Biology, CTL
The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the need of teaching materials for the senior high school teachers and the students, (2) to know the procedures of Biology teaching materials development of contextual teaching learning-based teaching, (3) to develop Biology teaching materials of contextual teaching learning-based teaching. The research method of this study is research and development. This study found: firstly, the need of teaching materials for the senior high school teachers and the students considers some elements, they are a) situational context, b) fits to curriculum, c) exercises/tasks enable to activate the students’ achievement, d) practical based implementation, and e) interesting, clear, and easy to understand. Secondly, the model of development is adapted from Borg and Gall, they are: data collection, planning, drafting a model, experimenting the model, revision the draft, field experiment, revising the final draft, and implementation. Thirdly, the score of post test shows 66.9 (control class) and 79.6 (experimental class), t-value of f value is 2.67 > 1.67 of f table. It can be concluded that the use of Biology CTL based-teaching materials enables to improve the students’ achievement in learning Biology.References
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Arlia Baso, Fatmawati, Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektivitas Belajar Mengajar. Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2003
Behlol, Malik & Munir, Mohammad Kaini, Comparative Effectiveness of Contextual and Structural Method of Teaching Vocabulary. Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 1; March 2011
Bozdogan, Aykut Emre. The Effects of Instruction with Visual Materials on the Development of Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Knowledge and Attitude Towards Global Warming. TOJET: The Turkish Journal Of Educational Technology, Volume 10 Issue 2, 2011
Chingos, Matthew M & Whitehurst, Grover J. Russ, Choosing Blindly Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core. Washington: Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings, 2012
Cunningsworth, Alan, Choosing Your Course Book. Oxford: Heinemann, 1995
Darmadi, Hamid, Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar. Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010
Deen, Ifraj Shamsid and Bettye P. Smith, Contextual Teaching and Learning Practices in the Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006
Deen, Shamsid Ifraj, Contextual Teaching and Learning Practices in the Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006
Dick, Walter dan Lou Carey, The Systematic Design of Instruction. New York: Longman, 2009
Fauzan, Umar, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi. Samarinda: Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam, 2008
Fauzan, Umar, Improvisations Technique in the Teaching of Speaking. Media Akademika, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 2012
Fauzan, Umar, Developing EFL Speaking Materials for the Second Semester Students of STAIN Samarinda. Proceedings of 61th TEFLIN International Conference. Oct, 2014. pp. 861-864.
Fauzan, Umar, The Use of Improvisation technique to improve the Speaking ability of EFL students. Dinamika Ilmu. Vol. 14 No. 2, 2014
Gravoso R.S. and Pasa R.S., Labra J.B,. Mori TT. 2008. Design and Use of Instructional for Student-entered Learning: A Case in Learning Ecological Concepts. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Volume 17:1 (2008), pp. 109-120
Handoko, T. Hani, Manajemen. Yogyakarta: BPFE Yogyakarta, 2003
Jotia, Lathi & Jubi Matlale, Use of Instructional Materials in Social Studies: Impact on Students’ Performance in Primary School Leaving Examinations in Botswana. European Journal of Educational Studies Volume (1), 2011
Maruff A, Oladejo ; Ojebisi, Amos O; Olosunde, Gbolagade R, Instructional Materials and Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics: Some Policy Implications. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 2, No.1, 2011
Meei-Ling Liaw, Content-Based Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Skills in an EFL Context. English Teaching & Learning Volume 31 No. 2, 2007
Nur, Mohammad, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Kontekstual Makalah Disajikan pada Pelatihan TOT Guru Mata Pelajaran SLTP dan MTs dari 6 Propinsi. Surabaya. 20 Juni – 6 Juli 2001.
Nurseto, Tejo, Pembelajaran yang Efektif dan Menyenangkan. Depok: Pelatihan Guru SMP Muhammadiyah Depok, 2011
Opara Jacinta and Oguzor, Nkasiobi S., Instructional Technologies and School Curriculum in Nigeria: Innovations and Challenges. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2011
Reiser J, Iris Tabak, Brian K. Smith, Iris Tabak, dkk., Strategic and Conceptual Scaffolds for Scientific Inquiry in Biology Classrooms. Mahwah, Nj: Erlbaum, 2001
Sears, S. J., Contextual Teaching and Learning: A Primer for Effective Instruction. Bloomington: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 2002
Smith, Bettye P., Contextual Teaching and Learning Practices in the Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006
Tomlison, Brian (Ed.), Material Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridege University, 1998
Watkins, Chris, Eileen Carnell, Caroline Lodge, Patsy Wagner and Caroline Whalley. Effective Learning, London: Institute of Education University of London, 2002
West, Charles, Farmer, James A., Wolff, Phillip M., Instructional Design Implications from Cognitive Science. University of Illinois at Urbana, 1991
Wina, Sanjaya, Pembelajaran Dalam implementasi KBK. Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2005
How to Cite
Sukmawati, F. (2015). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Biologi Berbasis Contextual Teaching Learning untuk Mengefektifkan Pembelajaran bagi Siswa SMA. FENOMENA, 7(1), 145-154.
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