Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Penerapan Strategi Random Text Pada Pembelajaran PAI

  • Erni L SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Palas Timur
  • Indriana Rahmawati Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
  • Hidayatus Sholihah Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
Keywords: Learning Outcomes and the Random Text Strategy


A teacher must be creative and innovative in carrying out the learning process. After conducting research in class XI APAL, which consists of 19 students, the following results were obtained: The average pre-PTK score was 62%. Seven students (37%) achieved the minimum mastery criteria (KKM), while twelve students (63%) did not. The average score in Cycle I was 75. Ten students (53%) met the KKM, while nine students (47%) did not. The average score in Cycle II was 84.1, with only one student failing to meet the KKM out of 19 students in class XI APAL. The percentage of classical mastery in Cycle I and II showed significant improvement: the pre-test showed 62% mastery, while the post-test results were much higher, with Cycle I at 84% and Cycle II at 95%. The observations of the students who were the subjects of the research on the implementation of the Random Text Strategy in PAI learning revealed the following data: 15 students found the method very interesting, while 3 students found it moderately interesting. These results indicate that the implementation of the strategy has exceeded the success indicators.


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How to Cite
L, E., Rahmawati, I., & Sholihah, H. (2024). Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Penerapan Strategi Random Text Pada Pembelajaran PAI. Jurnal Sultan Idris Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 2(2), 147-153.