COVID-19 dan Pasar Modal Syariah: Pendekatan Regresi Korelasi Kanonikal
Economic growth and activity in 2019–2020 was greatly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic disease. However, the impact of COVID-19 on investments made in the Islamic financial market has not been examined in research. This research aims to see the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Islamic financial market industry. This research uses quantitative methodology with canonical correlation analysis. Samples were collected from March 3 to August. The movement of the Jakarta Islamic Index and the Covid-19 Movement variable are used to test Sharia Mutual Funds and Sukuk. The results show that the two dependent variables—Jakarta Islamic Index and Sukuk—were not significantly affected by the Covid-19 movement. However, there is one factor that influences Islamic mutual funds positively and significantly. The implications of this research provide a positive outlook for investors and policy makers in managing and developing the Islamic financial sector.
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