• Muhamad Arifin Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syari’ah Darul Falah Mataram
  • Akhmad Muadin IAIN Samarinda
  • Agus Salim Salabi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe


The aim of this paper is to explain the strategy applied by the Kyai to transform the traditional marriage ceremony of Merariq/Nyongkolan among the sasak people of Lombok into becoming more shari’a friendly tradition. The kiai's communication strategy in changing the tradition of merariq nyongkolan in Sasak Lombok tribal community are: First, kiai as the leader of Pesantren Darul Falah Mataram communicates with the community of Sasak Lombok by using preaching method, bilḥikmah (wise). Second, kiai foster the harmonious relations with internal public and also external public. The kiai utilizes the graduates of Darul Falah to convey the kiai's messages and missions to the community through the majlīs ta’līm or pesantren, Madrasah Diniyah, muṣallā, and the mosques which is led by them. Third, the kiai uses non-verbal communication through a social approach to the community by attending to the celebration's routine such as 'aqīqah, diba’an, marriage celebration, maulīd an-nabiy, death, and other religious events its held in private homes or in mosques and muṣallā. Fourth, the kiai uses communication by using forms of threats to the community, especially the to the gradutes of Pesantren Darul Falah, who if they invite the kiai to the merariq nyongkolan event but still using kecimol music then the kyai will not be present in that event. But, when the community use Islamic music such as rebana, marawis, and with a series of activities those are not contrary to the shari'ah, the kiai will be happy to attend the invitation.

Keywords: Communication strategy, cultural change, Merariq Nyongkolan


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