Al-Waḥdah (Unity) in Islamic Law and its Implications for National Integration
Islamic Law, Al-Waḥdah, National Integration, Economy, Nigeria
Islamic law rests on the precipice of Al-Waḥdah (Unity) which includes unity of the humankind, unity between human being and his environment, unity within the family, unity of the state and society, of government and politics, of economy and culture, and law and policy. Several studies have tended to focus on the negative perception of Islamic law as inimical to national unity while little or no attention has been paid to its cohesiveness and civilizational dialogue with other cultures. Using socio-historical approach, the paper examines the concept of Al-Waḥdah paradigm in Islamic law in Nigerian legal context with a view to understanding the implications concerning national integration. It was discovered that Islamic law had contributed to the integration of Nigeria as a nation in the past and its neglect would not augur well for national integration. This paper therefore, argues that Islamic law has a lot to offer in the national integration of the country especially in the areas of education, economy, socio-psychology, morality and diplomacy. Finally, the paper affirms that the significance of Islamic law transcends religious sphere, and hence, should be allowed to play its role in the national integration of the country. It suggests that for national integration to be achieved in Nigeria, Muslims in the country need to re-orient themselves to the concept of Al-Waḥdah articulated by Islamic law.References
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Abu-Nimer, M. (2001) A framework for nonviolence and peacebuilding in Islam. Journal of Law and Religion, 15, 1/2: .217-265
Al-Tabrīzī, A.K. (1979) Mishkāt al-maṣābīḥ. M. N. Al-Albānī. Ed. Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islāmī.
Coleman, J.S. and Rosberg, C.G. (1964) Political parties and national integration in tropical Africa, Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Farid, E. (1997) Liberation and pluralism: an Islamic perspective of interreligious solidarity against oppression Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
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Ibn Hajar, A.A. (n.d.) Fatḥ al-bārī bi sharḥ ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukārī. Vol. 3. M. Al-Khātib Ed. Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifah.
Henry, C. and Wilson, R. (2005) The politics of Islamic finance. Edinburgh University Press
Jacobs, P.E. and Tenue, H. (1964) The integrative process; guidelines for analysis of the bases of political community in P.E. Jacobs and J.V. Toscand (eds.), Integration of political communities, New York:J.P. Lippincott Company, 9-22.
Kamali M.H. (2013) Peace as a universal Islamic value. Islam and civilisational renewal. 4. 2: 169-187
Ojo, E. O. (2009) Federalism and the Search for National Integration in Nigeria, 3 (9) African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 384-395at 384. Available at Accessed on 07/10/17.
Ostien, P. (2002) Ten good things about the implementation of Shari’a in some states of northern Nigeria. Swedish Missiological Themes. Vol 90, 2: 163-174
Ostien, P. & Dekker, A. (2010) Sharīʿah and national law in Nigeria. Sharīʿah incorporated: a comparative overview of the legal systems of twelve Muslim countries in past and present. J.M. Otto. Ed. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 553-612.
Peters, R. (2001) The reintroduction of Islamic criminal law in northern Nigeria. Lagos: Maarten Barends.
__________ (2005) The enforcement of God's law: the Sharīʿah in the present world of Islam. Comparative perspectives on Sharīʿah in Nigeria. P. Ostien, J. M. Nasir et al. Eds. Ibadan: Spectrum Books. 107-134
Pollard, J. and Samers, M. (2007) Islamic banking and finance: postcolonial political economy and the decentering of economic geography. Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers. NS, 32: 313-330
Toynbee, A.J. (1948) Civilization on trial essays, London: Oxford University Press.
Weimann G.J. 2010. Islamic criminal law in northern Nigeria: politics, religion, judicial practice. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Zaman, R. (1996) Economic justice in Islam, ideals and reality: The cases of Malaysia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, in Islamic identity and the struggle for justice. Nimat Barazangi, M. Raquibuz Zaman & Omar Afzal, eds., Gainesville, Fla: U. Press of Fla.
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