About the journal

Ghaly: Journal of Islamic Economic Law is a scholarly journal published by the Faculty of Sharia at Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda State Islamic University. This academic publication is devoted to the study of Islamic Economic Law. Ghaly adopts the most recent studies, including both doctrinal-conceptual and empirical legal studies.

The editorial board of the Ghaly Journal of Islamic Law invites lecturers, students, scholars, and legal practitioners to contribute to the development of sharia economic law by submitting articles to the journal. This journal is published twice annually, between February and August after undergoing review and editing procedures. The Journal of Islamic Law invites articles written in Indonesian, Arabic, and English that are the outcome of thesis research, theses, dissertations, lecturer research, and other studies.

Focus and Scope

Ghaly: Journal of Islamic Economic Law is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a platform for national and international scholars to publish articles on Islamic Economic Law. Some of the disciplines that are within the scope of the study in Ghaly: Journal of Islamic Law are:

1. Jurisprudence Muamalah Ushuliyah studies in the field of Islamic economics.

2. Economic law and Muslim society (legislation, legal codification, laws and regulations, practitioners of Islamic economic law, Islamic economic institutions)

3. Comparison of laws relating to Islamic economic law

4. Halal Studies and Halal Industry

5. Islamic Business Law

6. Usul Fiqh Muamalah 

Publication Frequency

Ghaly: Islamic Economic Law Journal Published twice a year, in February and August.

Submission Preparation Checklist 

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement 

The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for Contributors


1. The submitted manuscript is an original work that has never been previously published or is undergoing publication in other journals.
2. It may include philosophical studies, a study excerpt, or the legal opinions of Islamic law professors, as well as the interpretation of court decisions (case law);
3. It is written in Indonesian/Arabic/English according to the norms for scientific papers;
4. The length of the document ranges from 6,000 to 10,000 words; A4-sized paper with 1.15-inch margins, Goudy Old Style font, and font size 12; and A4-sized paper with 1.15 spacing.
5. The paper is submitted through the website of Ghaly: Islamic Economic Law Journal by first logging into the system, or by submitting it as a Microsoft Word file to the editorial board at jurnalghaly@gmail.com.


1. The submitted manuscript must contain a title, author's name, an English abstract, and keywords.
2. The abstract is succinct, concise, and straightforward, containing between 150 and 200 words that express the problem (Issue), theory or assumed condition (Rule), argument or analysis (Argument), and conclusion (Conclusion);
3. Maximum of five keywords (words or phrases);
4. The table of contents includes the following headings: introduction, discussion (headings and subheadings should be tailored to the needs of each work), and conclusions.

Footnotes & Bibliography:

Use footnotes (Chicago Manual of Style) when citing;
In repeated citations, only the author's surname, the abbreviated title of the book or article, and the page number should be included. Example: Hazarin, Tujuh Serangkai, p. 75; Alfitri, "Religious Liberty," p. 19;
For further citations, use Ibid. if the page is the same, or Ibid. h. 10 if the page is different; references should be inserted at the end of the article and organized alphabetically with the author's last name in the lead. Example: Syaifuddin, Muhammad. Contract Law.

We advise that you utilize referencing manager software like as Zotero, Mendeley, etc.

The Arabic alphabet should be written as follows:

', b, t, th, j,, kh, d, dz, r, z, s, sh, sy,,,,, ', gh, f, q, l, m, n, h, w, y. Short vowels include a, I and u, whereas long vowels include,, and. Diphthongs: aw, ay. Tā marbūṭā: t. Article: al-. Please refer to the transliteration system described in the Ghaly Journal Guidelines for specifics on Arabic Romanization.

Peer review Process

The Ghaly Journal of Islamic Economic Law adheres to the principles of peer review. All articles to be published in the Ghaly Journal of Islamic Law will undergo the following review procedure:

1. All submission files in the journal system will be examined and selected in accordance with the journal's topic and scope.

2. The managing editor will also assess incoming manuscripts for scientific writing standards. At this point, writing that does not adhere to the minimum requirements for scientific papers or the topic and scope will be rejected immediately.

3. After passing the first step, all proposed articles will be assessed by two professional reviewers according to the theme of the written review; the editor-in-chief makes all decisions regarding publishing acceptance based on the reviewers' suggestions, comments, and criticism.

4. Members of the editor-in-chief provide feedback, guidance, and general direction to the editor-in-chief.

5. As ordered by the editor-in-chief, the implementing editor handles administrative affairs and journal circulation in the OJS system, including defining the publication schedule.

Plagiarism Policy

Ghaly: Islamic Economic Law Journal aims to ensure that all authors are conscientious and adhere to international norms for academic and scholarly integrity, especially regarding plagiarism.

Plagiarism happens when an author uses the ideas, information, or words of another source without giving appropriate credit. Even when plagiarism is accidental, it remains a grave academic offense and is forbidden in international scholarly publications.

A citation is necessary when the author obtains precise information (a name, date, place, statistical number, or other detailed information) from a specific source. (This is only tolerated in circumstances of general knowledge, where the information is widely available in more than five sources or is common knowledge, such as the fact that Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation.)

When an author borrows an idea from another author, a citation is necessary, even if the idea is afterwards expanded upon. This may be a suggestion for how to interpret the data, such as what methodology to employ or what conclusion to reach. It could be a concept concerning broad advancements in a field or general information. Regardless of the concept, authors are required to cite their sources. In circumstances where the author develops the idea further, it is still required to cite the original source of the idea; the author can then explain the more developed idea in a subsequent phrase.

Authors should guarantee that they have authored and submitted only original works, and if they have used the work and/or words of others, that they have cited or quoted them appropriately. Cite any publications that had a significant impact on determining the nature of the work described in the manuscript. Plagiarism can take several forms, including "passing off" another author's paper as one's own, copying or paraphrasing major portions of another author's paper (without acknowledgment), and claiming the results of research undertaken by another. Plagiarism in any form is unethical publication conduct that cannot be tolerated.

Ghaly Journal uses Turnitin to determine whether or not to accept an article.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that permits anyone to share the work with attribution to the author and the journal's initial publication.

2. Authors may enter into separate, supplemental contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., posting it to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with attribution to the journal's first publication.

3. Authors are authorized and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and throughout the submission process, as it can lead to fruitful discussions as well as earlier and more widespread citation of published work.

Publication Fee

The Ghaly Journal of Islamic Law does not charge any publication fees to authors, with the exception of those who seek to translate their papers into a language other than the original.