Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Ghaly: Islamic Economic Law Journal aims to ensure that all authors are conscientious and adhere to international norms for academic and scholarly integrity, especially regarding plagiarism.

Plagiarism happens when an author uses the ideas, information, or words of another source without giving appropriate credit. Even when plagiarism is accidental, it remains a grave academic offense and is forbidden in international scholarly publications.

A citation is necessary when the author obtains precise information (a name, date, place, statistical number, or other detailed information) from a specific source. (This is only tolerated in circumstances of general knowledge, where the information is widely available in more than five sources or is common knowledge, such as the fact that Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation.)

When an author borrows an idea from another author, a citation is necessary, even if the idea is afterwards expanded upon. This may be a suggestion for how to interpret the data, such as what methodology to employ or what conclusion to reach. It could be a concept concerning broad advancements in a field or general information. Regardless of the concept, authors are required to cite their sources. In circumstances where the author develops the idea further, it is still required to cite the original source of the idea; the author can then explain the more developed idea in a subsequent phrase.

Authors should guarantee that they have authored and submitted only original works, and if they have used the work and/or words of others, that they have cited or quoted them appropriately. Cite any publications that had a significant impact on determining the nature of the work described in the manuscript. Plagiarism can take several forms, including "passing off" another author's paper as one's own, copying or paraphrasing major portions of another author's paper (without acknowledgment), and claiming the results of research undertaken by another. Plagiarism in any form is unethical publication conduct that cannot be tolerated.

Ghaly Journal uses Turnitin to determine whether or not to accept an article.