Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Index Card Match dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik
This study aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of the index card match method.. Data source data sources consist of primary and secondary data sources. This research instrument researcher himself, and used observation sheets, and field notes to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Collect qualitative and quantitative data. The results showed that the application of learning using index card match can improve learning outcomes of students in the subject of Islamic Religious Education and Cultivating The material of Living with Sharing in class V SD Negeri I Wawai. The results The results are evidenced by the increase in student learning outcomes in the material Living Wise by Sharing, this can be seen in the pre-cycle only 60% or 6 students who are complete then or 6 students who were complete then carried out cycle I increased to 80% or 8 learners and in the second cycle the criteria for completeness criteria were increased to meet the standard criteria set by the classical to 75 there was also an increase in completeness to 100% or 10 learners who were complete. Students who are complete. So that thus the learning outcomes of students by using the index card match model is seen to increase.
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