Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Melalui Model Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match
The Cooperative Model of the Make a Match type is a teaching strategy where the teacher encourages students to actively engage in learning, with the goal of fostering student independence in learning and stimulating creativity, thus enabling them to make innovations. This cooperative model, Make a Match, has cognitive levels, ranging from knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, to creativity. The research problem in this study is whether the implementation of the Cooperative Model of the Make a Match type, with the material on Welcoming Puberty Age, used by the teacher, can improve student learning outcomes. Additionally, what factors influence the improvement of student learning outcomes in grade IV by applying the Cooperative Model of the Make a Match type at SD Negeri 1 Pemangkih Seberang, Labuan Amas Utara District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. The conclusion of this study is that during the learning process, the teacher effectively delivered the material and applied the teaching strategy well. The teacher motivated the students to stay enthusiastic about learning. By implementing the Cooperative Model of the Make a Match type in grade IV, student learning activity increased from Cycle I to Cycle II, with an "excellent" category. Furthermore, based on the learning evaluation results in Cycle II, the classical mastery reached an average score of 77.9, with a 92% completion rate.
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