Author Guidelines
Instructions for Contributors
- The submitted manuscript is an original work and has never been published or is in the process of publication in other journals;
- It can be conceptual studies, an excerpt of research, or legal thoughts of scholars in the field of Islamic law as well as the analysis of court decisions (case law);
- It is written in Arabic / English in accordance with the standard of scientific papers;
- The length of the manuscript is between 6000 to 10000 words; A4 size paper with double spacing, using Bookman Old Style font and font size 12;
- The manuscript is submitted through the website of Qonun: Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Perundang-Undangan by first logging into the system; or by sending it as an e-mail attachment in the Microsoft word format which is addressed to the editorial board at
- The submitted manuscript must include title, author name, abstract in English, and keywords;
- The abstract is written briefly, concisely, and clearly, between 150-200 words that reflect: the problem (Issue), theory or supposed condition (Rule), argument or analysis (Argument), and Conclusion;
- Keywords can be words or phrases, a maximum of 5;
- The contents consist of the following headings: introduction, discussion (heading and sub-headings be adjusted to the need of each manuscript), and conclusions.
Footnotes and References:
- Citation use footnotes (Chicago manual of style);
- Repeated citation use only the author's last name, short title books/articles, and pages. Example: Hazarin, Tujuh Serangkai, p. 75; Alfitri, "Religious Liberty," p. 19;
- For subsequent citation use Ibid. if the page is the same, or Ibid. h. 10, if the page is different;
- The references should be included at the end of the article and arranged alphabetically in which the author's last name is placed in the front. Example: Syaifuddin, Muhammad, Contract Law, Bandung: Mandar CV Maju 2012.
For a detailed citation style, please download template
We recommend you to use referencing manager applications such as Zotero, Mendeley, and so forth.
Arabic romanization should be written as follows:
Letters: ’, b, t, th, j, ḥ, kh, d, dz, r, z, s, sh, sy, ṣ, ḍ, ṭ, ẓ, ‘, gh, f, q, l, m, n, h, w, y. Short vowels: a, i, u. long vowels: ā, ī, ū. Diphthongs: aw, ay. Tā marbūṭā: t. Article: al-. For detailed information on Arabic Romanization, please refer to the transliteration system of Qonun Journal Guidelines.