Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Surah Al-Ikhlas dengan Menggunakan Model Make-A Match pada Mata Pelajaran Qur’an Hadis

  • Umi Fadilah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Paser
  • Darwis Darwis Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
Keywords: classroom action research, learning outcomes, make a match learning model


The Make a Match learning model is a game-oriented learning model. Games in learning are needed so that students do not get bored and are motivated to participate in learning. This kind of learning model can also foster children's curiosity about the material that will be presented. Based on the background above, the goal to be achieved in this classroom action research is to determine the learning outcomes of classroom students. This classroom action research procedure is divided into 2 cycles with 3 activity stages. In learning, learning outcomes were obtained before using the Make-a Match model, an average score of 66.25 was obtained for 10 students (incomplete students) after improving learning using the Make-a Match model, it turned out that the average learning outcome score was was 72.25 (complete) or 14 people in the complete category and 10 people in the KKM incomplete category (41.67%). Thus, before learning was carried out using the Make-a Match model, student learning outcomes were still low, when learning was carried out using this model there was an increase of 14 (58.33%). The indicator of success for this research is the individual achievement of obtaining a minimum score of 72 from the KKM in the Al Qur'an Hadith subject. The indicator of success in learning Surah Al-Ikhlas material is if the average result of students is 80% passing the average KKM score.


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How to Cite
Fadilah, U., & Darwis, D. (2023). Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Surah Al-Ikhlas dengan Menggunakan Model Make-A Match pada Mata Pelajaran Qur’an Hadis. Jurnal Sultan Idris Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 1(2), 227-232.