A Study on Islamic Psycho-Spiritual Therapy on Recovered Adolescent Addicts

  • Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail IIUM, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Ridwan Haris Haris Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Siti Kholijah Kassim IIUM, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan
Keywords: Addiction, Islamic Therapy, Spirituality, Adolescence, Qualitative


Therapeutic intervention on drug addiction with a spirituality approach is interesting to pursue since many studies have produced various results. The focus of this study is on psycho-spiritual problems on individuals who had experienced drug addiction. The problems are loss of awareness and mind, physical and mental weakness, anti-social behaviors and problems in the school. Thus, a more in-depth study of the role of spirituality on this problem in increasing mentality, conscious mind and behaviors as a normal personality. To accomplish this, the researchers explored four individuals who had recovered from an addiction and had undergone Islamic therapeutic intervention at Inabah Centre in Tasikmalaya and Madani Health Care in Jakarta, Indonesia. The findings revealed that they gained enlightenment and consciousness, were reflective and regretful, had self-confidence and were persistent in doing good deeds after going through the recovery process. All aspects of the findings were generated into four themes, namely reflection feeling (RF), insight awareness (IA), expression attitude (EA), and brightness image (BI). Some aspects of psycho-spiritual from Islamic perspective were also explained in the discussion to make it a valuable force in preventing, treating and handling the addiction in society.

Author Biographies

Ridwan Haris Haris, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta

Ridwan Haris

Lecturer, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Siti Kholijah Kassim, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur.

Siti Kholijah Kassim

IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat, Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan

Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat

Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam




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How to Cite
Ismail, Nik, Ridwan Haris Haris, Siti Kholijah Kassim, and Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat. 2022. “A Study on Islamic Psycho-Spiritual Therapy on Recovered Adolescent Addicts”. SYAMIL: Journal of Islamic Education 10 (2), 159-79. https://doi.org/10.21093/sy.v10i2.5653.