SCOPUS Citation Analysis

SCOPUS Citation Analysis

DINAMIKA ILMU International Education Journal published by Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda has been cited as many as 53 times in Scopus indexed journals as per the Scopus database update on 01 Januari 2022, 7:30 GMT+7.


Ilmi, S. N., Susilo, S., & Hermagustiana, I. (2019). Language learning process and gender difference implied from the turn-takings used in EFL student conversation club. Dinamika Ilmu, 19(1), 133-153.

  1. Ngadimun, Purwanti, R., Suriansyah, A., & Maimunah. (2019). Empowerment of 'english club' to influence students achievement in speaking. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 5(5), 204-216.

Irwansyah, D. (2018). Teaching english at indonesian islamic higher education: An epistemological perspective. DINAMIKA ILMU, 18(1), 1-14.

  1. Cahyo, S. D., Muslim, M. R. U., Rahman, A. N., & Pratolo, B. W. (2019). Needs analysis of islamic-based english reading material for the muhammadiyah junior high school. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 8(2), 286-292. doi:10.11591/ijere.v8i2.18647

Muflihah, M., & Aziz, H. (2018). Developing interactive multimedia CD-based teaching materials for teaching arabic skill at arabic education department of islamic state university sunan ampel surabaya. Dinamika Ilmu, 18(2), 195-210.  

  1. Suhairi, M., Asmawi, M., Tangkudung, J., Hanif, A. S., & Dlis, F. (2019). Development of smash skills training model volleyball based on interactive multimedia. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 2774-2781. doi:10.35940/ijrte.B2619.078219

Subekti, A. S. (2018). Investigating the relationship between foreign language anxiety and oral performance of non-english major university students in indonesia. Dinamika Ilmu, 18(1), 15-35.

  1. Subekti, A. S. (2018). An exploration of learners’ foreign language anxiety in the indonesian university context: Learners’ and teachers’ voices. Teflin Journal, 29(2), 219-244. doi:10.15639/teflinjournal.v29i2/219-244

Nuriman, A., & Fauzan, S. (2017). The influence of islamic moral values on the students’ behavior in aceh. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(2), 275-290.  

  1. Mohammadi, H., & Mirzamohammadi, M. H. (2020). New public management (NPM) in the iranian higher education; a moral analysis. Ethics and Education, 15(1), 113-133. doi:10.1080/17449642.2019.1700453

Barni, M. (2017). Al ghaz ali ' s thoughts on islamic education curriculum. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(2), 251-260.  

  1. Suyadi, & Widodo, H. (2019). Millennialization of islamic education based on neuroscience in the third generation university in yogyakarta indonesia. Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 7(1), 173-202. doi:10.21043/qijis.v7i1.4922

El Khoiri, N., & Widiati, U. (2017). Logical fallacies in indonesian EFL learners’ argumentative writing: Students’ perspectives. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1), 71-81.  

  1. Nuswantara, K., Rohmah, Z., & Kusumawardani, R. P. (2019). Corpus-based analysis of cohesive devices in academic essays written by indonesian students: Across-gender analysis. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 27(4), 2265-2284.  
  2. Reisert, P., Vallejo, G., Inoue, N., Gurevych, I., & Inui, K. (2019). An annotation protocol for collecting user-generated counter-arguments using crowdsourcing doi:10.1007/978-3-030-23207-8_43  

Wahyuni, S. (2017). The effect of different feedback on writing quality of college students with different cognitive styles. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1), 39-58.  

  1. Fahrurrozi, Dewi, R. S., Wahyudi, A., & Hasanah, U. (2020). Reading comprehension of elementary school students at DKI jakarta. Talent Development and Excellence, 12(1), 15-33.  

Inayati, D., & Emaliana, I. (2017). The relationship among pre-service EFL teachers' beliefs about language learning, pedagogical beliefs, and beliefs about ICT integration. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1), 83-99.

  1. Chen, X., Shu, D., & Zhu, Y. (2020). Investigating in-service foreign language teachers’ beliefs about using information and communication technology. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, doi:10.1007/s40299-020-00514-0

Irmayani, I., & Rachmajanti, S. (2017). Lexical features of teacher talk in english classrooms in senior high schools. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1), 59-70.  

  1. Al-Smadi, O. A., Ab Rashid, R., & Hussain Altamimi, D. A. (2020). A linguistic ethnography of teacher talk in an english for medical purposes classroom. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 20(1), 51-66. doi:10.33806/ijaes2000.20.1.3

Sutarman Tjahjono, H. K., & Hamami, T. (2017). The implementation of holistic education in muhammadiyah's madrasah indonesia. Dinamika Ilmu, Journal of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic Institute of Samarinda Indonesia, 17(2)

  1. Sutarman, Tjahjono, H. K., Masduki, Y., & Santosa, D. (2020). The religiosity and character values education of multingual program of madrasah mu'allimaat muhammadiyah yogyakarta indonesia of industrial revolution era 4.0. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(1), 487-492. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.01.96

Solikhah, I. (2017). Corrections on grammar, sentence variety and developing detail to qualify academic essay of indonesian learners. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1)

  1. Demir, S., & Erdogan, A. (2018). The role of teaching grammar in first language education. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 87-101. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.1.87

Husin, M., & Nurbayani, E. (2017). The ability of indonesian EFL learners in writing academic papers. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(2), 237-250.

  1. Farooq, O., & Wahid, R. (2019). L1 and its effect on efl writing: A descriptive framework. [L1 y su efecto en la escritura efl: Un marco descriptivo] Opcion, 35(SpecialEdition24), 792-806

Samawiyah, Z., & Saifuddin, M. (2016). Phonetic symbols through audiolingual method to improve the students’ listening skill. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(1), 35-46.

  1. Ali, A. D. (2020). Implementing action research in EFL/ESL classrooms: A systematic review of literature 2010–2019. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 33(3), 341-362. doi:10.1007/s11213-020-09523-y
  2. Barona-Oñate, R. V., López-Pérez, S. A., López López, J. P., & Mocha-Bonilla, J. A. (2020). Use of E-learning and audio-lingual method for the development of listening comprehension skills doi:10.1007/978-3-030-33614-1_6

Styati, E. (2016). Effect of YouTube videos and pictures on EFL students' writing performance. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(2), 307-317.

  1. Metruk, R. (2018). Extensive listening practice of EFL learners with authentic english videos. Teaching English with Technology, 18(4), 3-19.  
  2. Nur, R., Latifa, A., & Busman, A. L. (2019). Utilizing the instagram videos to enhance the students' language acquisition on writing composition. Asian EFL Journal, 23(63), 107-128.  

Nashruddin, W., & Nurrachman, D. (2016). The implementation of lesson study in english language learning: A case study. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(2), 169-179.

  1. Sumarsono, P., & Masyhud. (2019). Improving novice lecturers’ teaching ability on the english for specific purposes (ESP) through the implementation of lesson study. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(8), 579-584.  
  2. Uştuk, O., & Çomoğlu, I. (2019). Lesson study for professional development of english language teachers: Key takeaways from international practices. Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 12(2), 41-50. doi:10.7160/eriesj.2019.120202

Abdullah, S., & Abd Majid, F. (2016). A tale of english language polytechnic lecturers’ decision making. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(1), 135.  

  1. Omar, M. K., Arifin, M. A., Rasdi, R. M., Anuar, M. M., Rashid, A. M., & Puad, M. H. M. (2019). The dynamics of disposition in the teaching profession: Exploring narrative from technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 838-845.

Marzuki, P. J., & Wahyudi, A. (2016). Improving the EFL learners’ speaking ability through interactive storytelling. DINAMIKA ILMU, 16(1), 15-34.

  1. Soto, S. T., Vargas Caicedo, E., Cajamarca Illescas, M., Espinosa, L. F., Honores, K., & Fontaines-Ruiz, T. (2017). Strategies adopted by esp students to perform oral presentations through videos. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2017(November Special Issue IETC), 646-654.

Slameto, S. (2016). The application of fishbone diagram analysisto improve school quality. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(1), 59-74.

  1. Wiannastiti, M., Oktriono, K., & Simatupang, M. S. (2019). Digital literacy of ELT lecturers in different contexts: A case at two universities in jakarta. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 515-519. doi:10.1145/3377713.3377805

Ariyanti. (2016). The teaching of EFL writing in indonesia. Dinamika Ilmu, 16(2), 263-277.

  1. Ghufron, M. A., & Ermawati, S. (2018). The strengths and weaknesses of cooperative learning and problem-based learning in EFL writing class: Teachers and students' perspectives. International Journal of Instruction, 11(4), 657-672. doi:10.12973/iji.2018.11441a
  2. Mukhroji, M. (2020). Exploring the academic writing needs to improve the academic literacy of the indonesian EFL undergraduate and masters students. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 10(10), 252-269.
  3. Putri, M. R., & Sela, S. T. (2018). Capturing students' critical thinking skills in english for academic writing course: A case in information system students. Paper presented at the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 146-149. doi:10.1145/3291078.3291085
  4. Styati, E. W., & Latief, M. A. (2018). Investigating dominant and passive students on pair work towards the students’ writing performance. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 24(3), 142-154. doi:10.17576/3L-2018-2403-11

Nashruddin, W. (2015). Teaching english as a foreign language at madrasa ibtidaiyah: Facts and challenges. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(1), 67-84.

  1. Golam, A. M., & Kusakabe, T. (2020). Improving the efficacy of english instruction at qawmi madrasas (islamic seminaries) in bangladesh. SAGE Open, 10(2) doi:10.1177/2158244020924049

Eissa, M. M. (2015). Polarized discourse in the egyptian news: Critical discourse analysis perspective. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(1), 35-65.

  1. Elyas, T., & Aljabri, A. (2020). Representations of saudi Male’s guardianship system and Women’s freedom to travel in western newspapers: A critical discourse analysis. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, doi:10.1177/2347798920921977

Juriah, J. (2015). Implementing controlled composition to improve vocabulary mastery of EFL students. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(1), 137-162.

  1. Ali, A. D. (2020). Implementing action research in EFL/ESL classrooms: A systematic review of literature 2010–2019. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 33(3), 341-362. doi:10.1007/s11213-020-09523-y

Nurhayati, D. A. (2015). Improving students’ english pronunciation ability through go fish game and maze game. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(2), 215-233.

  1. Ali, A. D. (2020). Implementing action research in EFL/ESL classrooms: A systematic review of literature 2010–2019. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 33(3), 341-362. doi:10.1007/s11213-020-09523-y

Susilo, S. (2015). Curriculum of EFL teacher education and indonesian qualification framework: A blip of the future direction. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(1), 11-24.

  1. Baderiah, Muhaemin, & Sukirman. (2019). Designing an appropriate instrument for ELT curriculum design evaluation in indonesian islamic higher education. Asian EFL Journal, 26(6.1), 125-142.
  2. Didi, L. (2020). A comparative analysis of curricula in english language teacher education in china and uzbekistan. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(2 Special Issue), 291-302. doi:10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP2/SP20201073
  3. Saraka. (2020). Teaching entrepreneurship of english language to EFL students in indonesia: A case of mulawarman university, samarinda indonesia. Asian ESP Journal, 16(1-2), 149-168.
  4. Yusuf, F. N., & Novita, O. E. (2020). EFL teachers' perceived language proficiency and teaching effectiveness. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(3), 580-588. doi:10.17509/ijal.v9i3.23208

Hayati, N. (2015). A study of english language learning beliefs, strategies, and english academic achievement of the ESP students of STIENAS samarinda. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(2), 297-323.  

  1. Alfian. (2018). Proficiency level and language learning strategy choice of islamic university learners in indonesia. Teflin Journal, 29(1), 1-18. doi:10.15639/teflinjournal.v29i1/1-18

Solikhah, I. (2015). Reading and writing as academic literacy in EAP programs for indonesian learners. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(2), 323-339.  

  1. Solikhah, I., & Assegaf, J. (2019). Perceptions on blended learning towards english for academic purposes practices in indonesian islamic higher education. Asian EFL Journal, 26(62), 83-102.  

Ali, S., Kazemian, B., & Mahar, I. H. (2015). Culture understanding in foreign language teaching. Dinamika Ilmu, 15(1), 1-10.  

  1. Bal, M., & Mete, F. (2019). Cultural literacy in mother tongue education: An action research. [La alfabetización cultural en la educación de la lengua materna: Una investigación-acción] Qualitative Research in Education, 8(2), 215-244. doi:10.17583/qre.2019.4186
  2. Zhang, Y. (2019). The intercultural foreign language teaching model based on cybernetics. Cognitive Systems Research, doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2018.10.024

Shafa, S. (2014). Karakteristik proses pembelajaran kurikulum 2013. Dinamika Ilmu, 14(1), 81-96.

  1. Abdulfattah, A., & Supahar. (2019). The development of high school physics problem solving skills test instruments based problem-based learning. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(4), 1037-1052. doi:10.17478/jegys.602291
  2. Haryanti, N., Wilujeng, I., & Sundari, S. (2020). Problem based learning instruction assisted by e-book to improve mathematical representation ability and curiosity attitudes on optical devices. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1440(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1440/1/012045
  3. Muhtar, T., Supriyadi, T., Lengkana, A. S., & Hanifah, S. (2019). Religious characters-based physical education learning in elementary school. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(12), 211-239. doi:10.26803/ijlter.18.12.13
  4. Sulistiyo, U., Juwita, M., Hadiyanto, Agustina, P. S., Astini, S., Anwar, K., & Wiryotinoyo, M. (2020). What benefits that students can take? portraying the implementation of EFL curriculum in indonesia through phenomenological lens. Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 1487-1497. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2020.731167

Fauzan, U. (2014). Dinamika Ilmu, 14(2), 264-287.  

  1. Nurmasitah, S., Faridi, A., Utomo, A. B., & Astuti, P. (2018). The efficacy of focus group discussion in teaching ESP speaking skill for prospective vocational school teacher. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1941 doi:10.1063/1.5028112

Julaiha, S. (2014). Implementasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran. Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14(2), 226-239.

  1. Isdaryanti, B., Rachman, M., Sukestiyarno, Y. L., Florentinus, T. S., & Widodo, W. (2018). Teachers’ performance in science learning management integrated with character education. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(1), 9-15. doi:10.15294/jpii.v7i1.12887

Karsono, P. (2014). Using pictures in improving the speaking ability of the grade eight-A students of smp negeri 1 anggana. Dinamika Ilmu, 14(2), 190-213.

  1. Al-Khresheh, M. H., Khaerurrozikin, A., & Zaid, A. H. (2020). The efficiency of using pictures in teaching speaking skills of non-native arabic beginner students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 872-878. doi:10.13189/ujer.2020.080318

Marliana, M., & Hikmah, N. (2013). Pendidikan berbasis muatan lokal sebagai sub komponen kurikulum. Dinamika Ilmu, 13(1), 105-119.  

  1. Salenussa, B. J. M., Suriani, Yufiati, & Mataheru, N. M. (2019). Development of integration education model pela-gandong local based on local content in primary schools in ambon city. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 9), 118-127. doi:10.35940/ijrte.B1027.0982S919
  2. Sukri, A., Rizka, M. A., Sakti, H. G., Maududy, K. U., & Hadiprayitno, G. (2018). Designing an integrated curriculum based on local primacy and social reconstruction perspectives of west nusa tenggara, indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(4), 467-475. doi:10.15294/jpii.v7i4.15272
  3. Yulindrasari, H., & Djoehaeni, H. (2019). Rebo nyunda: Is it decolonising early childhood education in bandung, indonesia? Journal of Pedagogy, 10(1), 57-75. doi:10.2478/jped-2019-0003

Nasir, M. (2013). [Professionalism of islamic religious education teachers: An effort to improve quality through LPTK. [Profesionalimse guru pendidikan agama Islam: Sebuah upaya peningkatan mutu melalui LPTK.] Jurnal Dinamika Ilmu, 13(2), 189-203.  

  1. Tambak, S., & Sukenti, D. (2020). Strengthening islamic behavior and islamic psychosocial in developing professional madrasah teachers. [Penguatan perilaku Islam dan psikososial Islam dalam pengembangan guru Madrasah profesional] Cakrawala Pendidikan, 39(1), 65-78. doi:10.21831/cp.v39i1.26001

Kadir, A. (2013). Konsep pembelajaran kontekstual di sekolah. Dinamika Ilmu, 13, 22.

  1. Afrian, R., Hariadi, J., Akob, B., & Islami, Z. R. (2020). Local culture inventory for disaster mitigation learning. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 412(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/412/1/012017

Iwan, A. M. (2011). Contextual teaching and learning (ctl) dalam pembelajaran pai. Dinamika Ilmu, 11(1), 9.

  1. Noh, M. A. C., Katni, Hatoya, Y., Nurjan, S., & Rohmadi. (2020). Examining teaching and learning of quran: Empirical research of islamic school of ma'arif al mukarom ponorogo east java indonesia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(2), 698-701. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.02.128

Idris, M. (2009). Pendidikan pembebasan (telaah terhadap pemikiran paulo freire). Dinamika Ilmu, 9(2)

  1. Putra, P., Mizani, H., Basir, A., Muflihin, A., & Aslan. (2020). The relevancy on education release revolution 4.0 in islamic basic education perspective in indonesia (an analysis study of paulo freire's thought). Test Engineering and Management, 83, 10256-10263.