Corrections on Grammar, Sentence Variety and Developing Detail to Qualify Academic Essay of Indonesian Learners

  • Imroatus Solikhah (SCOPUS ID : 56436727400), IAIN Surakarta
Keywords: grammar, sentence variety, developing details, essay


This experimental research examines: (1) significant differences of corrections on grammar, sentence variety and developing details on the quality of the essay by Indonesian learners; and (2) different effect of corrections on grammar, sentence variety, and developing details on the quality of the essay. Treatments for each were served as follows: corrections on grammar for the group A (22), corrections on sentence variety for the group B (20), and corrections on the developing details for the group C (24).  Data were analyzed using One-Way Anova Test.  The study revealed: (1) As the teaching technique, corrections on grammar, sentence variety and developing details were significantly different; (2)  Contribution on the differences respectively came from sentence variety (t=4.377), developing details (t=3.933), and grammar (t=3.756). Upon beta test, contribution varied from sentence variety (58.5%), developing details (46.5%), and grammar (38.6%). Evidently, sentence variety is the most dominant technique to improve quality of the essay up to 58.5%.


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How to Cite
Solikhah, I. (2017). Corrections on Grammar, Sentence Variety and Developing Detail to Qualify Academic Essay of Indonesian Learners. Dinamika Ilmu, 17(1), 115-128.