Mainstreaming the Values of Religious Moderation in a Multicultural Environment in Islamic Religious College in East Kalimantan
The policy of religious moderation promoted across PTKI under the Ministry of Religion includes the active participation of Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda State Islamic University. The university seeks to internalize religious moderation values, aiming for these values to become integral to the identities of students and staff, influencing their daily lives. This study aims to describe how these values are internalized and the resulting impact on social attitudes. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method, with data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis follows the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana model, which involves data condensation, presentation, and conclusion drawing, while data validity is ensured through source and technical triangulation. The study finds that the university supports the internalization of religious moderation through several efforts, including curriculum policies that introduce courses on Islamic and religious moderation, research focusing on these themes, and community service projects. Additionally, various activities incorporate the values of religious moderation. The internalization process occurs in three stages: value transformation, where values are introduced; value transaction, where they are discussed and exchanged; and value transinternalization, where they are deeply embedded in individuals' beliefs and actions. The implications of this internalization are evident in the increased understanding and practice of fairness, balance, national commitment, tolerance, anti-radicalism, and anti-violence, along with an accommodative attitude toward local culture in everyday life. These outcomes highlight the university’s role in fostering a moderate and inclusive religious outlook.
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