Transformation of Learning Management: Integrative Study of Islamic Boarding School Curriculum
Learning management transformation, Islamic boarding school education, integrative curriculum of Salafiyah and Kholafiyah
The existence of Islamic education e.g. Islamic boarding schools has contributed in in the middle of social lives in Indonesia. Continuously, Islamic boarding schools have developed in accordance with social demand nowadays. Besides, Islamic boarding school education should make adaptation by doing many changes especially in the field of learning management through curriculum integration of Salafiyah and Kholafiyah in order to build Islamic boarding school as central for excellent. Therefore, as an effort to achieve intended goal, observation and interview were conducted to obtain the data regarding with description of learning management especially concerning with Salafiyah and Kholafiyah curriculums at Nabil Husein Islamic boarding school Samarinda. The findings indicate that the value of Islamic boarding school is assumed as a core value of curriculum development as shifting paradigm through Islamic boarding school learning management. That paradigm has correlation with institutional goals of Nabil Husein i.e. as Islamic education main controller with religious and moral values oriented. In addition, graduates of Nabil Husein are expected to master two types of knowledge fields i.e. general and Islamic knowledges with spiritual values, so that Islamic boarding school education graduates are able to integrate among social, emotion, and intelligence quotients. Further implication is also noticed and suggested in this research.References
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Hanim, Z., Masyni, M., Soe`oed, R., & Asiah, S. N. (2019). Learning Innovation Management on Effective Classes at SMPIT Cordova Samarinda. DINAMIKA ILMU, 19(2), 225–236.
Hassan, W., Wan, B., & Widyarto, S. (2016). A Formulation and Development Process of Information Security Policy in Higher Education. Proceeding the 1st International Conference on Engineering and Apllied Science (InCEAS) 2016, ISBN : 978-602-14930-8-3. Purwokerto: University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.
Ilyasin, M., & Zamroni, Z. (2017). Balanced Scorecard: A Strategy for the Quality Improvement of Islamic Higher Education. DINAMIKA ILMU, 17(2), 223–236.
Indra, H. (2017). Salafiyah Curriculum at Islamic BOarding School in the Globalization Era. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 4(1), 74–88.
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Khojir, K. (2014). Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Multikultural (Studi Kasus Pada Pesantren Nabil Husein Samarinda Kalimantan Timur). DINAMIKA ILMU, 14(1), 65–80.
Kourilsky, M. (1972). Learning Through Advocacy: An Experimental Evaluation of an Adversary Instructional Model. The Journal of Economic Education, 3(2), 86–93.
Kusnadi, E., Sobur, K., & Aziz, A. (2017). An Islamic Boarding School: A Study of Al-mubarok Al-Islam Within the Social Changes of Seberang Kota Jambi. ADDIN, 11(1), 101–130.
Lee, S. M., Lee, D., & Kim, Y. S. (2019). The Quality Management Ecosystem for Predictive Maintenance in the Industry 4 . 0 Era. International Journal of Quality Innovation, 5(4).
Mastuhu, M. (1994). Dinamika Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren. Jakarta: IPB Bogor and INIS.
Miles, M. B. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook (3th ed.). Arizona State University: Sage Publication, Inc.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebooks (3rd ed.). California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
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National Education System. (2003). National Education System Law. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education.
Nurwanto, N. (2013). “Desire for Change” among Students in Traditional and Modern Islamic Boarding Schools (Indonesia). The 6th International Indonesia Forum. Yogyakarta: State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga.
Pratama, A. (2016). Ponpes Nabil Husein, Perpaduan Pesantren Modern dan Tradisional. Tribun News.
PRO Samarinda. (2019a, August). Ponpes Nabil Husein Gelar Training Motivasi Datangkan Motivator Enterpreneur dari Jateng. Samarinda Pos.
PRO Samarinda. (2019b, October). Adakan Diseminasi Modul 1 KKM 1 dan Tanoto Foundation, MTs Nabil Husein Jadi Tuan Rumah. Samarinda Pos.
Rahmah, S. (2016). Mengenal Sekolah Unggulan. ITQAN, 7(1), 11–22.
Setyawan, C. E. (2016). Menggagas Model Pengembangan Standarisasi Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren. Jurnal Al-Ta’dib, 11(2), 227–240.
Takviana, M. (2017). Culture Internalization at SMP Islam Al-Azhar Tulungagung in Fostering the Students’ Spiritual Quotient. Didaktika Religia, 5(1), 225–246.
Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M. L. (2016). Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods : a Guidebook and Resource (4th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Usman, N., AR, M., Syahril, S., Irani, U., & ZA, T. (2019). The Implementation of Learning Management at the Institution of Modern Dayah in Aceh Besar District. 1st International Conference on Advance and Scientific Innovation (ICASI). Banda Aceh: Politeknik Kutaraja, Banda Aceh.
How to Cite
Ilyasin, M. (2020). Transformation of Learning Management: Integrative Study of Islamic Boarding School Curriculum. Dinamika Ilmu, 20(1), 13-22.
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