Learning Innovation Management on Effective Classes at SMPIT Cordova Samarinda
effective classes, learning innovation, management
The research is intended to find out (1) the concept of learning innovation, (2) the implementation of learning innovation management functions, (3) the implication of learning innovation management, and (4) obstacles and solutions of the implementation of learning innovation management at effective classes at Integrated Islamic Secondary School (SMPIT) Cordova Samarinda. This research used a qualitative approach with case study and the data was collected through deep interview, observation and documentation. The informans of the research are the head and his vice of the foundation, coordinator of the effective classes, teachers and students. The data was analysed by using descriptive technique. For the research findings, it was found that (1) the concept of learning innovation for effective classes is built through middle input with an effective learning process and produces an effective output; (2) the implementation of learning innovation management functions of effective classes was carried out through planning design by determining input sellection standard, an effective process standard, an effective output standard, learning innovation organization through enriched curriculum, time allocation, teachers’ roles and duties, learning sources, learning innovation through moving class, a standardized teachers, IT-based management, full day school program, and three evaluations of learning innovation, namely test and non-test with mastery learning standard, and high competition class assessment; (3) the implication of learning innovation management covers integrated learning management system, better teacher qualification standard, and increase school reputation; and (4) obstacles and solution disrupt the implementation of learning innovation management of effective classes at SMPIT Cordova Samarinda.References
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Nie, Youyan, Tan, G. H., Liau, A. K., Lau, S., Chua, B.L.. (2013). The roles of teacher efficacy in instructional innovation: Its predictive relations to constructivist and didactic instruction. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, Volume 12.
Nurryna, Ayu Fiska. (2009). Development of eductional media forlLearning innovation. Journal Speed – Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi, 1(2)
Renzulli, Joseph. (2013). What Makes Giftedness Reexamining a Defenition. Phi Delta Kappan.
Roehl, A., Reddy, S.L., and Shannond, G.J. (2013). The Flipped classroom: An opportunity to engage millennial students through active learning strategies. Strategic Iournal, 105(2), 2013
Sattar, B., Mustafa, Ghulam. and Hussain, Muzammil. (2012). Islamic work ethics: how It effect organization learning innovation and performance. Actual Problem of Economics. 12 (138), 2012.
Shalikhah, N. D., Ardhin Primadewi, Muis Sad Iman. (2017). Interactive instructional lectora Media inspire as learning innovation. WARTA LPM, 20(1), Maret 2017: 9-16.
Smith, F., Hardman, F., & Higgins, S. (2006). The impact of interactive whiteboards on teacherpupil interaction in the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. British Educational Research Journal, 32(3), 443–457.
Strayer, J. F (2012). How learning in an inverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation and task orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15, 171-193.
Stufflebeam, D.L., Shinkfield, Anthony J. (2010). Systematic Evaluation: A Self-Instructional Guide to Theory and Practice. Massachusette: Kluwer–Nijhoff Publishing.
Stufflebeam, D.L. (2010). Evaluation and Enlightment for Decision Making. Columbus. OH. Ohio State University. Evaluation Center.
Sugiyanto. (2010). Innovating Learning Model. Surakarta, Indonesia: Yuma Pressindo.
Walder, Anne Mai. (2014). The Concept of Pedagogogical innovation in Higher Education. Education Journal. 3(3), p 197
How to Cite
Hanim, Z., Masyni, M., Soe`oedR., & Asiah, S. (2019). Learning Innovation Management on Effective Classes at SMPIT Cordova Samarinda. Dinamika Ilmu, 19(2), 225-236. https://doi.org/10.21093/di.v19i2.1586
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