Peningkatan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Melalui Kegiatan Kolase pada Anak RA Nurul Iman Bogor
Early Childhood Education (ECE) plays a crucial role in the physical development and fine motor skills of children. This study aims to enhance the fine motor skills of children through collage activities using origami paper at RA Nurul Iman in Bogor Regency. The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with two cycles. In the first cycle, collage activities indicated that the average fine motor skills of children were below the success criteria, with a percentage of 70%. Based on reflections, strategic improvements were made for the second cycle, including extended time and guidance. In the second cycle, observational results demonstrated a significant increase to 86%, meeting the established success indicators. Collage activities not only stimulate fine motor skills but also enhance creativity, concentration, and self-confidence in children. This study concludes that collage as an engaging and effective teaching method can improve children's fine motor skills, making them more independent and skilled in daily activities. Recommendations are provided for more frequent implementation of collage activities in ECE to optimally support the fine motor development of children.
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